Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I thought it would some very interesting for anyone to use this discussion to write down their dreams (the ones you have when you're sleeping). I know most of my dreams are very nonsensical, but some of them may be a glimpse into that unknown parallel universe or even a prophetic look into the past or future.

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Joan, I would be rich if I had a nickle for every dream I had where I was naked or half dressed in public. I have so many dreams where I am still in the Air Force, sitting on a plane or a boat (go figure) half naked or fully naked and finding out I am on the wrong plane (or boat).... really weird. Does it mean that I am exposed or missing something in some way in real life? I wish had paid more attention in psychology class
Ive been putting off posting this, but after my fourth month of having the same exact dream at least 3 times a week and its getting stronger, I am curious to know if any sensitives in the group have been having a similar dream.

The dream is always the same..
I am on a beach on the Gulf of Mexico on the west coast of Florida, Im sitting in the sand when a commotion erupts in the water. Dolphins, fish and all manner of sea life are flinging themselves onto shore.

I back away from the hoards of writhing fish and hear the call of birds .. I look to the sky and its like a scene out of Alfred Hitchcock's movie "The Birds" The sky is filled with birds flying out of the West. As I stare at the birds, the clouds start to roll and build almost in a fast time-lapse motion.

And out of the clouds flying ships appear .. looking much like huge helicopters,, yet they have no rotor blades. They are flying out of the clouds from the West. In my dream, I stand my ground and feel no fear.. but I know in my heart and my soul .. this is it .. something is saying .. the time for great change has come. .. life will never be the same.. yet still I feel no fear..

If you have had this dream or a similar one .. please post it or email me..
I generally don't have prophetic dreams, apart from when I was preagnant with my eldest, but I'm fascinated by the concept. Time seems to be a law that just doesn't apply to dreams - I've had mamoth epics between snooze alarms - and that does make you wonder about the time/dream relationship on the whole.

That said, I do have waking visions (for which I'm assuming a medical cause) and some of them have been pointlessly prophetic. for example, I had a vision once of my boss asking me if I was even listening to him then I acidentally kocked his pencil off his desk and he picked it up. When I snapped out of it my boss was asking me if I was even listening to him, I accidentally knocked his pencil and he picked it up. Self fulfilling? Who knows but if not, what an utterly pointless paradox =P

Anyway, I had another one recently:
I'm looking through a window at myself and three other people in the street. A really bright light totally fills the sky and we all crouch instinctively with our hands over our heads. The me that I'm watching has a sense that the light is a big deal but it's not a danger.

I don't really see how this could be literally prophetic as it contains two of me so it's probably just another random episode. I've never really known what to make of these because I'm not inclined towards leaps of faith but if it is some kind of prophesy rather than a brain blip then it's a reasuring one, so I thought you might like to know.
I wonder if it's a form of lucid dreaming? Of which I don't have much knowledge at all, but it sounds as if symbols from "dreams," are being picked up on and brought into your ordinary reality.

Ruth Fuller said:
I generally don't have prophetic dreams, apart from when I was preagnant with my eldest, but I'm fascinated by the concept. Time seems to be a law that just doesn't apply to dreams - I've had mamoth epics between snooze alarms - and that does make you wonder about the time/dream relationship on the whole.

That said, I do have waking visions (for which I'm assuming a medical cause) and some of them have been pointlessly prophetic. for example, I had a vision once of my boss asking me if I was even listening to him then I acidentally kocked his pencil off his desk and he picked it up. When I snapped out of it my boss was asking me if I was even listening to him, I accidentally knocked his pencil and he picked it up. Self fulfilling? Who knows but if not, what an utterly pointless paradox =P

Anyway, I had another one recently:
I'm looking through a window at myself and three other people in the street. A really bright light totally fills the sky and we all crouch instinctively with our hands over our heads. The me that I'm watching has a sense that the light is a big deal but it's not a danger.

I don't really see how this could be literally prophetic as it contains two of me so it's probably just another random episode. I've never really known what to make of these because I'm not inclined towards leaps of faith but if it is some kind of prophesy rather than a brain blip then it's a reasuring one, so I thought you might like to know.
I am not particularly religious nor do I attend a church regularly, but being raised a Christian, I do follow the Christian faith.
I dream a lot, but seldom remember anything. Today, I heard a "still small voice" when I woke up. Just at that point when your eyes open and you are awake. I wrote down the words and date in my journal and did some online research. It is not really troubling, just weird. As far as I know I have not discussed the subject with anyone or heard anything about it recently that may have triggered it.

The words "Rebuild Jerusalem" come to me at the point of waking up. My research refers to a prophetic vision of Danial in the Bible that I gather was fulfilled before Jesus' death. I just don't see how these words correlates with me and why those words would be in my dreams of all things. Were they prophetic in some way and why me? Any thoughts?

I had another dream while napping, but it was an "ordinary" dream -- seeming only to be associated with everyday life. (the dream: the smoke alarm went off --which is what woke me-- I had left a burner on the stove, but no fire, I turned off the burner and all was fine.)
The odd thing here is two dreams in a row that I actually remembered.
New Dawn ... it sounds like you have a Guardian Angel watching over you, keeping you safe. I used to think dreams were nothing more than the brain filing away the days events or playing out scenarios that might be a fix for problems that dwell in our subconscious. But lately dreams seem to be delivering messages.. mine seem to be and yours also... and yours may have saved your life.
So pay close attention to the messages and keep writing them down. Im hoping that this area of the 2012 group might in the next few years be a place to compare messages and see if there is a common thread.
That would be good. Sometimes, I think our dreams may be a tiny spec in the bigger picture.

Holly said:
New Dawn ... it sounds like you have a Guardian Angel watching over you, keeping you safe. I used to think dreams were nothing more than the brain filing away the days events or playing out scenarios that might be a fix for problems that dwell in our subconscious. But lately dreams seem to be delivering messages.. mine seem to be and yours also... and yours may have saved your life.
So pay close attention to the messages and keep writing them down. Im hoping that this area of the 2012 group might in the next few years be a place to compare messages and see if there is a common thread.



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