Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Sparked by something Violette Ruffley said in email, and then further sparked by Louis Grenier's recent blog post, "Mission Statement," I thought it might be interesting to discuss how we empower, or raise and nurture the dreams and visions of our collective children. Be they babies, little kids, teenagers or grown adults---I don't believe the sharing and nurturing ends. I believe we provide important stepping stones for our children as they make their way through life.

I believe it's so important, the project that Louis has created~~~these souls are the present and future realization of the love of creation.

They say (don't ask me to identify "they" cuz I don't know!) that we are closest to our life purposes, or knowing what our life's purpose is, when we are young---

The question---"What do you want to BE when you grow up?" when answered by a child may be closest to the truth of that soul's reason or purpose here. So often, that answer may not be met with approval or support from the immediate people in that child's world----that child may realize that to get on in this world, they should change and shift who and what they want to be when they "grow up" into something that they perceive is more in alignment with that will be "accepted" by society.

When we are not in alignment with our personal truth, or who we "want to be when we grow up," what becomes of that soul's dreams and goals?

How can we, as architects~~~~assist our younger co-architects?


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Dr. Mike, thank you so much for your insights. I liked what you posted below, very powerful to acknowledge his presence as another child and allowing the respect to flow from you to him.

Mike said: "We are all responsible for peace, and it starts very young. I was a smallish boy, and was surrounded by fear for most of my formative life. Now I get to walk another boy through something, for which I had no teacher or adequate guide. And the next time we saw the so called "bully child" I made a point that I personally acknowledged his presence as yet another child, and asked how has he been. My son even made a Valentines for him. What is an important lesson for that child, is that I respect him, and he see the importance that I place on my son's welfare so he knows that is not an appropriate place for any of his frustration. I can participate in Open House or other school activities where I get a chance to met the parents, and know a little bit about this boy rather than applying some false label, say like "bully" in this particular circumstance. I can move forward to creating a community."

I think that what you've also shown, very specifically with this example, is that we are ALL stakeholders when it comes to the children of our communities and their dreams.
It does begin young, and we must engage with our youth.
Again, thank you Dr. Mike!
Thanks AW for the personal acknowledgment, however it is not about me. It's just that all kids need a chance, and the attitude of "my child is the only thing that matters" is what is wrong with the parental generation in general. I encourage that we network with other parents. Do activities together with other parents and with kids--like Amir has suggested we do hiking with his preschool friends recently, instead of doing it just alone. If you have older kids be there and support their activities--be it track, swimming, dancing, music, art, or whatever! I'm very impressed with the young lady who addressed the UN in Rio (see front page of this AOAND). Now when I see that I say: "That's some kick ass parents!" What a blessing to hear the consciousness!

In summary, it is a great for the adult and child to be part of a community of learning, sharing, and understanding with others. This positive approach bets any sort of lip service on the subject.

I agree with you, especially on the point you make regarding the attitude: "my child is the only thing that matters," being a part of what is wrong with the parental generation.
I do, however, disagree with you a bit---it is about you (the general you, who are parents and those who also engage with our youth)---it's about each of us and our actions and interactions.
We do know it's important, and when we see what it produces, like that young lady who addressed the UN---we see that we have a far wiser generation that we are "raising," and they see the truth, perhaps with far more clarity, than we did at their age.
Very powerful question:
When we are not in alignment with our personal truth, or who we "want to be when we grow up," what becomes of that soul's dreams and goals?
My thought is that we begin to ask the questions with the intent of being open to receiving the answer.
Hi Iris,
I've often thought about that, "what becomes of that soul's dreams and goals?" too. I used to kind of "get into it" with my ex husband, as well as my mother in law---when it came to encouraging and helping children to learn how to further their dreams. Some believe it is unrealistic, especially in this so called swiftly changing world we are in.

If we look at so called society----we can each probably point to many examples of people in our lives, who are "living lives of quiet desperation." I believe that a huge part of this has to do with NOT doing what they wanted to do when they grew up, and not being in alignment with their soul's purpose.
Thank you for your comments!

Iris Obregon said:
Very powerful question:
When we are not in alignment with our personal truth, or who we "want to be when we grow up," what becomes of that soul's dreams and goals?
My thought is that we begin to ask the questions with the intent of being open to receiving the answer.
Hi AK:

I think that all of the answers so far are right on, I don't have much to add.

I certainly don't have all of the answers, or for that matter hardly any. However, I do think that the best we can do for our children is to give them as much LOVE and SUPPORT as possible, and be a GOOD EXAMPLE of what we want them to be. I'm not going to lie and say that I have always been that great example, for I had to learn the hard way how to become a wise mother, I tell them I LOVE them constantly, whether in person, in letters, or on the phone. They need to know that no matter what--they are LOVED. And I believe that love isn't necessarily what we SAY--I believe it's more of what we DO.

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!! Depending upon our relationship with them will determine whether they believe us or not.

If we want our children to grow up to be respectful, kind, loving, caring, and morally responsible human beings, no matter what vocation they choose, then show them how to do it from day one.

Giving them some kind of spiritual upbringing is most important--at least to my way of thinking.

I am a mother of four girls and three boys (plus 30 grandkids, & 15 GGrandkids) who haven't always necessarily done the right things, but none of them are in jail, and they've grown up to be pretty darned good kids with jobs and families, and pets and all the other stuff of life. I love them all unconditionally. There are a lot of things that I wish I could have done differently, but, life is what it is. I believe that everything happens for a reason. We've had to struggle through a good deal of trauma, but have survived, and we keep learning along the way. What the heck--life is a big schoolroom isn't it?

Some of them have issues to be sure, but they all have a higher power that they live by, as does their mother who also has issues that stem from her own childhood--but then, don't most of us? :):) PEACE!

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