A book describing Carlos' music and solos

what do you think about it Richard?

explain the meaning of every single performance of Carlos music by a profane but sensitive listener like me.....

a work that must last months....if you and Carlos are interested i will write in english and explain you its structure.

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    Lorenzo Abbiati

    society DNA leads to cancer for itself

    i' m going to describe as markets are soffocating bothit their own creators and his victims ... and trying to imagine how to make society safe....returning to agricolture and in birth control ... for example

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    Lorenzo Abbiati

    masters of meditation, of music and of guitar....in this order all this three elements (all members of the band practice and pursuit these three elements) are the only way to play such a masterpiece.....makes me laugh when hearing that carlos is acclaimed just as a great guitar player.....he's much more, he's a master of life, they are master of music and of guitar. it's a shame that later on nowadays they haven't still so much energy......but it's life natural course;to me best years of carlos are still from early 70s to latest 90s and moreover his worst concert of today is much much more pleasant and fulfilling than the best top ones from other professional wordly acclaimed musicians. every time i listen to a concert of carlos there's a new surprise, we need still today such young artists (not just parrots replicating in the same way their last lp in every concert )- but where are thse new architects? even if you don't appreciate this piece, carlos has "played the whole world, world music. music from the heart.     

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    Lorenzo Abbiati

    Knowing that a book would be tough and perhaps not understood and ignored by most people i would prefer to own create  documentary as follows illustrated:

    In the Photograph is shown a set list of concerts of Carlos i downloaded from a bootleg site...........

    It was one of my dreams, to have all of these selectioned videos and audio files hand picked by myself 

    They represent some of the most beautiful and interesting concerts by Carlos in his Golden age (some 90's didn't dowloaded cause  both i attended the concerts and i own already DVDs commercial and bootleg)

    My intention is building a solo file by choosing the most glorious moments in each concert and complete a video documentary featuring Carlos best live performance as seen by Lorenzo Abbiati integrating it with textures and comments especially when the files are only audio (especially in case of older records)

    (all legal downloads have been legal and i paid duties and fees to the sitekeeper cause i bought all these concerts)

    Obviously watching and listening a little bit of this stuff everyday will give me extra power to try to compensate definitely some lacks of my personality....in other words they are an healty bomb from me, a powerful therapy . Thank you Carlos (and all of his supreme musicians) for having existed and still producing such great music