A Celebration of Women

A Celebration of Women is an Advocacy Organization featuring WOMEN of ACTION.

A Celebration of Women enables Women around the World to be inspired to Take Action in their communities, promoting World Peace and Self Love.

Our Mission on FB.

1 in 4 Suffer MENTAL ILLNESS - For WOMEN Only



A Celebration of Women


MENTAL ILLNESS - 3 Women's Stories



As our regular readers are aware, Team Celebration maintains a column named:

WOMEN in RECOVERY.  This section of features addresses with issues all the way through from addiction, disease, life challenges, spiritual healing and many more tppics. 


Our Team keeps this area of the website focused on 'Healing' and the ways thereof....


Today, we have decided to share with the WOMEN of our WORLD, an amazing video that encompasses the facts of MENTAL ILLNESS, the effects thereof, and the stories of 3 women that have addressed this challenge and are in successful, joyous recovery.


Please enjoy this Feature:  http://acelebrationofwomen.org/?p=26454



( for WOMEN Only)


Please leave your COMMENT on the website in our SPEAK YOUR MIND box, to to

share your experiences, strength and hope, with all the Women of our World.