The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 : Upholding the Divine Vision for Evolving Humanity on Earth


After December 21, 2012, the Seraphim Project 2012-2027 Community Website officially launches to reach out further to those who resonate with its vision and values. This project will be going on for 15 years facilitating healing, awakening, and ascension.

This 15-year window is in a sense a transition -- the phasing out of the old paradigm for the souls who are ready to fully integrate the new paradigm into themselves, then merging with the "surge" of new souls (already belonging to the new paradigm) being born on the planet around 2027 and beyond. This is part of the third declination or wave of ascension which is happening not only in this sector, but also elsewhere around the globe.

The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 will generally go unnoticed by the mainstream public as it primarily calls to those who are truly ready and who resonate with the project and its constituents on the basis of their souls having chosen this experience even before birth. The 'clarion call', so to speak, operates on the principles of synchronicity and sympathetic resonance. It is however open to any and all those who sincerely wish to learn a bit more about this and find out if it is for them or not. You're all welcome to find out for yourselves.





For more information,  see

The Mission, Vision, and Clarion Call of The Seraphim Project 2012-2027





The Seraphim Project 2012-2027

Upholding The Divine Vision For Evolving Humanity


The Purpose Of The Seraphim Project 2012-2027:

  • To Uphold the Divine Vision for Evolving Humanity on Earth;

  • To Facilitate Healing and Expansion of Awareness;

  • To Anchor the Divine Purpose and Expression of The Host of Seraphim Angels on Planet Earth for the New Golden Age;

  • To Embody the New Consciousness Paradigm of Harmony in Diversity and Responsible and Divine Co-creation of Realities;

  • To Promote Cosmic Consciousness in the spirit of Compassion, Unconditional Love, Harmony, Serenity, and Gratitude.


What The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 Envisions To Create and Manifest :

  • A life of "Heaven On Earth" for all who so choose;

  • The facilitation of healing and spiritual growth of Humanity;

  • The re-union of Kindred Spirits and Soul Families;

  • The empowerment of Individuals who seek insights about their Healing Path, Divine Expression, and Soul Purpose;

  • The expansion of individual and group awareness in key aspects & areas of Life;

  • The evolution of Humanity towards higher levels of existence and expression;

  • Oneness with The Infinite Source of All That Is.


The Ones Who May Benefit From The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 :

  • People from all walks of life seeking or already treading a Conscious Spiritual Path;

  • Everyone who resonates with the mission, vision, values, and essence of The Seraphim Project 2012-2027;

  • Kindred Spirits;

  • Starseeds;

  • Angelic Humans;

  • Lightworkers;

  • Wayshowers;

  • Divine Healers;

  • Ascending Souls;

  • Indigo and Crystal Children and Adults;

  • Galactic and Cosmic Souls;

  • Anyone who sincerely wishes to participate and learn more about what the Seraphim Project 2012-2027 upholds.


More Information About The Seraphim Project 2012-2027

In May of 2010, The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 was created by Maria Celeste Garcia (a.k.a. VelAja TalaLei), who is considered as an Akashic Vessel or Divine Emissary of The Infinite Source of All That Is. 

Maria works with the guidance, unconditional love, and patient assistance of the Angelic Realms, most especially of The Angelic Host of The Seraphim. 

Further assistance, participation, and coordination comes from the Ascended Mastery Realms, our Interstellar-Interplanetary, Galactic, and Cosmic Families of Light, and of course, Kindred Souls who have incarnated on planet Earth with the purpose of anchoring, grounding and embodying the very essence of The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 during the transition of Humanity from the Old Consciousness Paradigm into the New Consciousness Paradigm.  This transition involves the transposition and transmutation of the Genetic Soul Codes of Life, not just on Planet Earth, but also throughout the entire Cosmos into their realized state -- in alignment, coherence, and integration with the Living Divine Plan of The Infinite Source. 

During the first 2-year development and unfoldment period of The Seraphim Project 2012-2027, a clarion call was delivered through Maria's Intuitive Healing Creations.  The search for Kindred Spirits took place and significant holistic and quantum healing, awakening, and DNA activation was accomplished for all those who have resonated with the spiritual tools and technologies provided by The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 (then also known as 'Project Seraph Healing Love Encodement Series').  The experience of Personal Ascension in tandem with Planetary and Cosmic Ascension was optimized for those who have recognized and heeded the clarion call of The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 between May 2010 until December 21, 2012. 

After December 21, 2012, The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 Community Website officially launches to reach out further to those who resonate with its vision and values. This project will be going on for 15 years facilitating the healing, awakening, and ascension of individual souls and soul groups.

This 15-year window (2012-2027) is a spiritually significant and temporally important transition for Humanity on Earth.  It is the phasing out of the old paradigm for the souls who are ready to fully integrate the new paradigm into themselves, and then merging  in harmony with the "surge" of 'new souls' incarnating on the planet around 2027 and beyond.  The special group of 'new souls' incarnating around 2027 already belong to the new paradigm and carry activated genetic soul codes which embody the principles of 'Heaven on Earth', which is a 5th dimensional concept of 'Conscious Co-creation' each moment, and living in harmony with all. 

The work of The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 is part of the Delivery of Grace and Divine Intervention for the third declination or wave of ascension.  The Divine Intervention is happening not only in this sector, but also elsewhere around the globe, through ministries and movements of similar integral values and Divine Purpose. 

The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 calls out to those who feel they are ready to heed the call.  The call is particularly directed to those who resonate with the project and its constituents on the basis of their souls having chosen this experience even before birth. The 'clarion call', so to speak, operates on the principles of synchronicity and sympathetic resonance. 

If you sincerely wish to learn more about The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 to find out if it may be of value and assistance to your Healing Path, Divine Expression and Soul Purpose, you will be guided accordingly.  Always remember to listen to your heart and tune into your own inner guidance and intuitive awareness as you search for truth, love, and purpose.


"There is no separation between my Love and the Love in the Universe.  We are One"

~ Maria Celeste Garcia (VelAja TalaLei) ~




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