The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 : Upholding the Divine Vision for Evolving Humanity on Earth


After December 21, 2012, the Seraphim Project 2012-2027 Community Website officially launches to reach out further to those who resonate with its vision and values. This project will be going on for 15 years facilitating healing, awakening, and ascension.

This 15-year window is in a sense a transition -- the phasing out of the old paradigm for the souls who are ready to fully integrate the new paradigm into themselves, then merging with the "surge" of new souls (already belonging to the new paradigm) being born on the planet around 2027 and beyond. This is part of the third declination or wave of ascension which is happening not only in this sector, but also elsewhere around the globe.

The Seraphim Project 2012-2027 will generally go unnoticed by the mainstream public as it primarily calls to those who are truly ready and who resonate with the project and its constituents on the basis of their souls having chosen this experience even before birth. The 'clarion call', so to speak, operates on the principles of synchronicity and sympathetic resonance. It is however open to any and all those who sincerely wish to learn a bit more about this and find out if it is for them or not. You're all welcome to find out for yourselves.





For more information,  see

Wings of The Seraphim Angels on Planet Earth

As of December 22, 2012, we are easing into the presence and essence of our online Community, which is our primary way of reaching out to the globe for The Seraphim Project 2012-2027.

Let us fill in our community website with material and content that are based on Love, Light, Abundance, Compassion, Authenticity, Serenity, Creativity and all that fill the world with the Divine Vision of Heaven on Earth where communing with Cosmic Consciousness is a way of life and Harmony in Diversity is upheld. 

YOU hold the key to your part in the Bigger Picture. 

WE are the Wings of The Seraphim on Planet Earth. 

Thank you One and All for everything.

