Real Anthroposophy

a discussion forum for people interested
in the original anthroposophical impulse as created by Rudolf Steiner in his books on philosophy.
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  • Joel A. Wendt

    the group Real Anthroposophy has some new members: Steve Price, bARToszSOLowiej (?), Suzanne Doucet, and HMS collective (?). Does anyone want to learn any Real Anthroposophy? If so, I would be quite happy to introduce the subject, which really comes down to a scientific investigation of your own soul life. Please reply ASAP.
  • Bruce A

    Hello Joel. I've always appreciated your Anthroposophical articles and perspectives. Hope to hear more from you.


  • Bruce A

    What is it really that we should write in our hearts — the feeling that we may have on this Christmas night?

    In this Christmas night there should pour into our hearts the fundamental human feeling of love — the fundamental feeling that says: compared with all other forces and powers and treasures of the world, the treasures and the power and the force of love are the greatest, the most intense, the most powerful. ~ Rudolf Steiner