I just started a whole new and very important aspect for my vision to help all of humanity at the top of the home page on my web site. After you read and learn what it is about, which is not too long, post your thoughts here--good, bad or otherwise.
You have a beautiful vision. God bless you.
I do my best with spreading peace and love through my music.
Especially my song called. NEW WORLD OF LIGHT.
Its a single on Itunes. And you can also see a video of the song on my page. Obama has a copy of it and Hillary. I was hoping it would make it for his campaign but was unable to get it there in time. But he did receive it and Hillary said she really liked it too.
Thank you for all the work you do and are doing to raise consciousness and bring peace.
Its start with each of us.
Peace and love
I have started a program called Operation Uplift. Through my photography of homeless individuals I am selling through many galleries with all net proceeds going to that homeless individual.
Michael du Frane
Sep 10, 2010
Amanda Hayley
I do my best with spreading peace and love through my music.
Especially my song called. NEW WORLD OF LIGHT.
Its a single on Itunes. And you can also see a video of the song on my page. Obama has a copy of it and Hillary. I was hoping it would make it for his campaign but was unable to get it there in time. But he did receive it and Hillary said she really liked it too.
Thank you for all the work you do and are doing to raise consciousness and bring peace.
Its start with each of us.
Peace and love
Sep 10, 2010
Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar Alam
Sep 11, 2010
I want give all to give my part ... You soon will see ...
Love, share ... Thank you so much for being and connect the way you do and show ...
Sep 11, 2010
Sep 11, 2010
Share and grow,
Love, Markus
Sep 11, 2010
Sep 11, 2010
Sep 11, 2010
Sep 11, 2010
Dr. Sohiniben Shukla
I have removed the video !
Sorry if You are not allowing !
Sep 17, 2010
Sep 18, 2010
margo buccini
and this bring together of form and ideas tightens the web of the real.
Oct 13, 2010
Mar 15, 2011