A Celebration of Women

A Celebration of Women is an Advocacy Organization featuring WOMEN of ACTION.

A Celebration of Women enables Women around the World to be inspired to Take Action in their communities, promoting World Peace and Self Love.

Our Mission on FB.
  • The Ancient One

    - Love naturally flows out of the present moment, which is the only moment that exists. When we are fully in the present moment instead of absorbed in our thoughts about the past or the future or thoughts about ourselves and how our life is going, life feels good, we feel happy and at peace.

    When we are in the moment, we experience the excitement and adventure of not knowing what is coming next, and we also experience the joy our Being feels in being alive and existing in this amazing universe. When you come into the present moment, you come into contact with the real you, with your Being, which is in love with life and enjoying it all!

    - By Gina Lake
  • A Celebration of Women

    As you continue the Journey of rediscovering your Divine Nature, Divine Light continues to surround you with love and blessings.

    Your success will come from facing your challenges when they arise and discovering new paradigm solutions. You will have opportunities to pinpoint and resolve many longstanding issues during this cycle.

    The key here is staying in the present and addressing what is there, when it is in front of you. This means avoiding the temptation to procrastinate.

    It means developing more self-trust and more in-the-moment connection with your inner wisdom.

    Women have a tendency to care for all around her, leaving herself in the wake; get centered and learn Self Love, so to benefit further all around YOU.

    Blessings always.

    VISIT US HERE: http://acelebrationofwomen.org/?p=22082
  • Debbie

    I have noticed that in my community, that a lot of people over a certain age seem to lock them selves away, they seem to learn a life long knowledge and then close the door on it, and lonliness sets in...I would like to start a group of friendship and knowledge and invite all those inspirational souls to join together, and maybe pass this down to our Children in the community, old traditions are dying in all walks of life, and media and fast pace are changing to quickly, we need to grasp and savour our knowledge, and be proud to pass this on, so I thought firstly I should do a survey, and ask the people would they like to be a part of a friendship group, I will wait for the response, and move on to the next step after that, we all should take advantage of our local community centres and halls, and utilize them to bring every-one together, and this includes every-one (even if they don't want to join they still have a choice)...Let me know your ideas on this and maybe we could set up a world friendship in the community link, and swap ideas, and then get feed back from the expirience....sounds quite exciting to me...Thanks Debbie....
  • Dee Peterson

    Hello everyone!

    I am so pleased to be a part of this group. Who ever sent an email out, which landed in my mailbox: thank you!!
  • A Celebration of Women

    A Celebration of Women shares with this group the 'Gratitude Letter' sent to the nation of Canada from our Governor General, Her Excellency, Michaelle Jean....a lovely letter of thanks.
    Here: http://acelebrationofwomen.org/?p=26211
  • A Celebration of Women

    Max Dashu is insiring women - 'women power'

    YOU are going to love this piece, as this is a woman that has devoted her life to the empowerment of other women....amazing gal!

    HERE: http://acelebrationofwomen.org/?p=27338
  • A Celebration of Women

    A Celebration of Women has chosen Amazonite as our Guardian Gemstone for the Women of our World: http://ning.it/aOYgVi
  • A Celebration of Women

    A Celebration of Women celebrates....

    In honor of Spain, WOMAN of ACTION today is: Queen Isabella I
    help us to Celebrate the Life of a Woman that changed our World History forever, by having faith in Christopher Columbus and financing his travel.


    There's nothing new under the sun, but whenever I walk on mountainous spaces, green extended pastures, or through meadows, my heart leaps as I see colors dance to the rhythm of the sound of breeze.
  • A Celebration of Women

    Celebrating the WOMAN that created MOTHER'S DAY, celebrated today in Malawi, and on other days around our world, Anna Grafton http://acelebrationofwomen.org/?p=28409 . .
  • A Celebration of Women

    LIGHT A CANDLE.....Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day – International Wave of Light – October 15 – 7PM
  • A Celebration of Women

    Mentoring a young lives as a teacher and a grandma is precious

  • A Celebration of Women



    May each and everyone enjoy a blessed 2011. 


    For fun, here is the History of the Celebration ,




    Catherine Anne Clark

  • Rex Downham

    Hello all. I do not know the protocol here, but my intent is positive, so I'm going by instinct. I feel very strongly about the issues confronting women, world-wide. I feel very strongly about breast cancer research, juvenile diabetes, and abused people of all sexes, races, creeds and such. We all deserve to be treated better, when we're being mistreated.

    I hope i am not over-stepping my bounds by posting here.

    The female of our species is by far the most valuable asset we have in this world. We men, we contribute the seed; and, often enjoy doing so. But, the woman, the mother; she is the one who supplies the garden, and is many times left alone to tend it. Women in power means new direction and empowerment. Take the lead ladies. The men, well, not so good with the leading at times.

  • A Celebration of Women

    A Celebration of Women Foundation Inc. has been born!  Yes, there exists now a CHARITY that is working expressly for the needs of WOMEN....so, if you are a WOMAN with a Mission, a Vision or a Cause that involves any facet of a WOMAN'S LIFE, and you are seeking financial support, please email your request through our CONTACT PAGE, addressed to FOUNDATION. LINK: http://acelebrationofwomen.org/


    Team Celebration is very excited and honored to make this announcement.  Namaste.

  • Elisabetta Errani Emaldi