Shanti Chiappetta


Saint Albans, VT

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Clint Shepherd

    Hello Shanti Chiappetta,
    My name is Clint, How old are you? You look young. I realy want to see some more youth on this site. Well glad to see you on the site!
  • The Ancient One

    If the day and the night are such that you greet them
    with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and
    sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry,
    more immortal - that is your success. All nature is
    your congratulation, and you have cause
    momentarily to bless yourself.

    - Henry David Thoreau
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Shanti... welcome to the architects site... glad you took to time to join us here... let us know what to do with this site to make it interesting for you... we just started it a few months ago and need to take it to the next level... have any ideas?

  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Hey Shanti! ~:-)

    WOW Sweetie! I'm so glad you put the pix I took of you! It's sooooo beautiful that your pix is 1st on their main page next to Carlos Santana's sweet "Welcome to AOAND video"!
    & Richard Lukens, who posted the beautiful video of India, & one of the
    Co-Facilitators of this awsome Philanthropist site, sent you a comment msg. to ask YOU for YOUR suggestions tohelp him improve the site for focusing on youth's interests!
    Honey, We Mentoring Adults honor that YOUR generation will help us to make the World a better place! & want Ya'll to have FUN doing it!

    Oh, & "Boy Genius Clint Shepard" hopes to meet you this Summer when you go West to see your Baba in W. Clint wants you to help him work on some of his documentory video interviews etc.!

    Here's just a few of several ideas I've been thinking about... for example :

    I think they should put a "You Tube type section" for folks to be able to listen &/or download to both classic & new hip as well as traditional regional Spiritually oriented music & videos!
    Like : "Higher Love" , "In Your Eyes" , "Love Comes Walking In" , "Just Another Day In Paradise" , "Ray of Light" , "Butterfly" ,
    "Live to Tell" , "Shanti/Ashangi" , "Utopia" , "Arms Wide Open" , "Love is the 7th Wave" , "Spirits in the Material World" , "Secrete Journey" , "Scared Love" , "A Thousand Years/Tower of Souls" , "Who will Save Your Soul?" ,
    "Solsbury Hill" , "Give Peace a Chance" , "Biko" , "Rocky Mountain High" ,
    "Don't Stop" , "The Chain" , "Russians" , "Land of Confusion" , "That's the Way It Is" , ETC!!!! .... with a wide variety to interest all ages!

    & ALSO to be able to watch &/or download inspirational movies like :
    "What the Bleep Do We Know?!" , Prt.2 = "Down the Rabbit Hole!" ,
    "The Secrete" ,"Pay it Forward" , "War Games" , "Darshan the Embrace" = about our beloved Guru/Avatar , "Oh! God" 1 & 2 ,
    "Patch Adams" , "Hook" , "Ghost" , "Always" , "Little Buddah" , "7 Years in Tibet" ,"The Golden Child" , "House of D" , "Whale Rider" , "Bullet Proof Monk" , "The Matrix" , "A Beautiful Mind" , "Sam I Am" , "Paper Clips" ,
    "Jesus Christ Super Star" , "God Spell" , "The Harry Potter" series ,
    "The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings" , "The Chronicals of Narnia" , "Star Wars" series, "Field of Dreams" , "Matilda" , ETC!!!
    Of course! ~~~> with the capability to be able to download them, with the permission of the Artists,... so a portion of the proffits via paypal etc. to be donated to AOAND as a fundraiser! or to a chariety or pro-causal group of the purchaser's choice!
    ALSO ... another "Conscious Shop for Peace" section to buy :
    Inspirational books, Ecceletic Sacred ritual &/or gift items , Conscious Jewlery & Clothes , Healthy food items for indivuals or Co-ops,
    Herbal / Homopathic Remedies , Spiritual Retreats , ETC!!! ...
    with donated items, services, or a portion of the proffits also donated to AOAND &/or other conscious groups / chariety etc.

    Rick wrote YOU , Shanti Lila Mirabai Ice-Chiappetta!, to get someone of your age's opinion!
    So, just put on your "Creative Thinking Cap" & come up with some cool ideas!

    Do you have any cool ideas, Shanti?

    Like : How about a "Conscious Gamers" section for kids & kids at Heart!
    Where little Fairies & other conscious beings do mindful things to be HEROS
    & save the World & the Universe!

    or How about some kind of contests for awsome prizes &/or $ donated in their names to worthy causes... for kids that do Conscious & Mindful actions to help others in need, for their schools , churches , community , .... The World!

    I'll be excited ... but patiently waiting to see what you come up with as improvements for the AOAND site!
    You Go Girl! ~:-D

    G2G4 now sweetie! ~~~> Mommy LOVES YOU! ~:-)

    ~*~ Peace, Love, & Light, + xxxooommm! ~*~

    All Intuitive & Creative consulting / ideas donated by :
    Susan Ann Ice / Aka: Guru Kaur Khalsa of :
    "Suz the Muze" & "Heart N Soul Advocates"
  • Richard Lukens

    Shanti... no worries... you don't need to do much if you are busy... but I thought you being younger than me, you would have some good ideas that I would not be able to imagine... so chime in if you have time...

  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Hey Sweet Om Shanti Girl!,
    It's great that you've been working on your site!
    I'm hoping Bryan can help me 2nite with twiking mine!
    He get's off work @ 10pm

    However! The white type on the pretty Blue-gray background is next to impossible to see ... much less READ!! especially for us old folks with deminishing eyesight!
    PLEASE! make the type a color that is more easily visable!!!!!

    Hey! Plz. ck. out the comment / blog I just sent 2 Benoir of Musicnoir
    in NYC ... my friend who used to date Joel Fairstein's cousin, Shoshi She was the one who donated alot!! of $ towards your 11th birthday guitar! Anyway!! I have planned what I want to do this Summer for my Spiritual Journey in Reston,VA & NYC!
    ~*~ Peace, Love, & Light, + xxx's & ooommm's , Mommy ~*~
  • Clint Shepherd

    Hello Shanti,
    That is cool that You will be 13! I will be 14 in june. I never pictured myself being 14. Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Clint Shepherd

    I am in 8th Grade but i take College math at my community College. What grade are you in?
  • Clint Shepherd

    Do you have A Cell Phone? And if you do, do you have texting minutes? If you do then send me it because I love to text. :-)
  • Clint Shepherd

    Well if you need any help with your math just ask me! Lolzz
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Shanti... I saw you checked in, so I thought I would drop by your page... it's looking good... more pictures I see... that's nice... the music is nice too... going to play the tune now...

    Hope you are well,

  • Benoir

    Hey Shanti, I'm so happy you and Suze are diggin this site. I love your pic with the blue hair!
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Hey Shanti Banti!,

    I'm barely hanging in there! I'm totally wiped out physically & emotionally, & not feeling very well cuz I'm been overdoingit & over exerting myself around the clock... sleep deprived & food deprivedcuz I'm too urky & stressedout to eat well &/or I'm so exgausted by the time I make my self stopping working that I fall asleep w/ food in my mouth before I've eaten enough!Therefore, I'm also not taking all my vitamins, or special herbal & homeopathic remedies to prevent me from relapsing w/ all my chronic illnesses etc. !!
    ~~~> for many daze on end trying to get da out of control yard dealt with without the proper yard equipment to do so!... before the torental rain comes! & the trainwreck of our house cleaned up as well! But I love you & I'm trying to hang in there! I hope I fell well enough to do something special with you this weekend.... we'll have to see how I feel!
    ~*~ xxxooommmmmm ~*~ Mommy