Melanie Wicker

60, Female

Santa Monica, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Melanie... great to see you here... thanks for all you have done to make Architects of a New Dawn a project in reality... we wouldn't be here without you... I hope you use the site to connect with and meet some interesting new people...

  • massimo

    Ciao Melanie.

    welcome to this special social network.
    Here we are all one, with love and respect.

    I believe to the bright future, with love, compassion, friendship and brotherood.

    Thank you for your friendship and love and peace to you and your family.

  • dima27

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Mel.... I love the video from Dan that your recommended... I play it often... thanks for the tip...
  • Marty Lee Jones

    MEL!!!! it's Marty Jones...I signed up on this site....
  • massimo

    Thank you for your friendship.
    I hope your life is good, full of love and passion.

