
64, Female


United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • The Ancient One

    by Carl Sandburg

    You have spoken the answer.
    A child searches far sometimes
    Into the red dust
    On a dark rose leaf
    And so you have gone far
    For the answer is:

    In the republic
    Of the winking stars and spent cataclysms
    Sure we are it is off there the answer
    is hidden and folded over,
    Sleeping in the sun, careless whether
    it is Sunday or any other day of
    the week,

    Knowing silence will bring all one way
    or another.

    Have we not seen
    Purple of the pansy
    out of the mulch
    and mold
    into a dusk
    of velvet?
    blur of yellow?
    Almost we thought from nowhere but it was
    the silence,
    the future,
  • marstraveler

    hi miss, marstraveler here, i would like to be friends, but i have reached my request limit of 100 here on Ning, would you please go to my profile page, and add me as a friend.
  • Dawn May Adams

    Dear Miss Magikal: I really like your music. I have a granddaughter who is a song writer. Do you write your own music and lyrics? They are great. Your new friend, Dawn May Adams
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi... how you doing? Nice to have you here on the site... looks like you have made several friends already...


  • Waberi

    From one Muse to another:

    Welcome! Be Loved, Be Light, Be Immersed int he Music and have a Beautiful Weekend!

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi... checking out the tunes on your page... nice....

  • Richard Lukens

    we are all listening and enjoying your music very much today... what a gift...
