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  • Lil

    Ciao Massimo!

    I absolutely love landscapes. I find that a beautiful view make any day a little bit better. I have two dogs and I love all animals. Music is a passion of mine. I don't actually create it but I can spend an entire day just listening to it. I love all types and my taste in music is very eclectic. I find it is a wonderful way to get in touch with your emotions. And I love that music is universal.

    Light and Harmony,
  • Nike

    Dear Massimo,
    Oh, thank you for your kind letter! The picture is funny to me, as it gets "cropped", ("cut") and becomes square, so it immediately crops your head! (forehead) I thought, "oh well, at least i'm smiling!"
    Yes, real changes have begun, a return to science, is another HUGE one... and, just a dramatically different outlook--- but already enough action that the nay-sayers have to.... be a little quiet! (smile) At least respectful... that's another huge difference; he has the confidence to be gracious, and respectful of the entire world --- i just hope people stay as involved as they've become-- and not just sit back and wait. He never said "Yes, I can"... he said "Yes WE can"
    (I digress, sorry, this just is such a great thing)
    Thank you, I'll look up the japanese pianist, i don't know the name, but maybe the music, yes, I noticed lots of guitars here, but no piano! (smile) (Another reason I like Oscar Peterson so much!)-- classical training but by the time I was a teenager, I didn't like how competetive it was--- "what happened to the joy... just of, playing?" --- so I started to play rag-time, complicated but with a wonderful syncopation; happy, melancholy as well--- now I lost my thread--- have to go read your letter again! Cheerio! (I mean Ciao-Ciao!) Best wishes, Nike
  • Nike

    (a p.s.)
    Of course! I should have known when I saw "Sakamoto"--- but I was confused, it's "Ruichi", yes, yes, I think he has contributed in so many places/kinds of music/movies... many people know him, even if they don't! Yes, sorry!!! Keith Jarrett, too
  • Tania Blagoeva

    Grazie, dear Massimo,
    exactly at this moment I needed exactly your generous friendship. God bless you.
    How are you? How is your work? I wish you all, all the best what you need to be best of you.

    Love, Light and Laugh as always,
  • Tania Blagoeva

    oh, I forgot: the Global Nomad added soem good videos from Bulgaria. If you are interested look at it and let me know what you feel about. Hug. Tania
  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters

    Dear Massimo,

    Playing your guitar, reading a book or writing poems, are also forms of meditation. If done with focus, everything can be a meditation.
    Luckily we don't have to sit in lotus-pose to meditate :-)
    Really wonderful you wrote a book with poetry for charity. It's a shame I don't read, speak or write Italian :-( Though I understand many words.
    But sometimes you don't have to understand the language to understand the poem. So maybe you can post one of your little poems on your page?
    My favorite poets are Rumi and Rabindranath Tagore.

    Love and warm regards,
  • Netta

    Hi Massimo, Very glad to be your friend - Carlos must have been amazing on the Moonflower tour....thank you for posting Europa. This coming-together of like-minded souls seems to hold a warm promise within its' potential, like a lotus bud, or the first of the day's rays......and we could certainly do with some sunshine right now - p'raps you could paint us a picture with your words....?? Love & light, Netta
  • Debbie

    Hello Massimo!
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I love your pictures! I'm a fellow drummer so lets all drummersunite in celebration of change!

  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters

    Hi Massimo,
    Don't worry about the mistakes. I understand perfectly well what you are writing. And I am not without mistakes myself ;-)
    But ... I can't find the poem on your page!?!? I can see you've posted the cover of your book. What a beautiful painting on the cover! And at the back I can just read the year of your birth, 1960. You have the same age as my husband :-)
    For the translation of your poems in Dutch, I can ask a friend of mine. She has studied the classical languages, Latin and Greek and also speaks fluently Italian.
    I would love to recieve your book "Vibrazioni di Vita", but can I contribute in any way?
    Just let me know.

    Love and warm regards,
  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters

    BTW this friend of mine, also loves poems!
  • Frizzey Greif

    ♥ ♥ ♥
    Thanks for the friendship Massimo

    heartly welcome in
    Frizzey Lights World
    ♥ ♥ ♥
  • Nike

    Ah! You Italians!
    (smile, this is a compliment, so charming!)
    thank you, friend
  • Tania Blagoeva

    Dear Massimo, congratulations for your Book ! I am so sorry I can't read it . I plan to start studying your language since more than 10 years, but........:):)
    I wish your poetry,your music and your business to sail free with the wind.
    Love, Light , Laugh- Tania
  • Tania Blagoeva

    just before I red your message I left one for you .
    Thanks for your lovely message. You never write formally , I respect this very much. Thanks for telling me about your life. I will look at your doors:):)
    What could i say about me? have a Son, he is 17 now. I work as consultant in holistic lifestyle- gardening, healing, team building. Now my work experience big difficulties also, but know everything changes.
    The useful spiritual life is very important to me, the second important after to be a good mother. I love all arts, it gives me a lot of food and power.
    In this tranquil Evening I really enjoy the presence of my new Friends ..... Thank you
  • Nike

    Don't be silly! Your English is molto bella! I think the rest of the world tries harder with the english than even we do! (smile) So I commend you on that; if I wrote you in Italian, it would mostly consist of "como sta?", etc.... I am 1/2 Greek, and speak just a little, when I've been there, they always insist I'm Greek, "No, American, I say, with pride! "Oh, you must be Italian!" "no, USA"... "Spanish!" "no, american"... "oh, she must be English!" I couldn't understand this! That was my first taste of how Americans appear to a lot of the world--- I was so surprised. Most of us are just great! (smile) Anyway, no, your English is much better than most of us---- and a lot of Americans don't speak anything else!!! (laugh, it's true, tho)
    We are the lucky ones, that the rest of the world tries to speak our language (and often better, certainly in a much more charming fashion!) Cheerio, I mean Ciao-Ciao! Nike
  • Tania Blagoeva

    Thanks again Massimo. I am also absolutely sure you are the best husband and father for your Family. Especially blessed with twins:):) It is still so that we are wonderful people - what can we do?:):). Now I leave for today, on Sunday I travel to Switzerland and have to prepare tomorrow. LLL Tania
  • Damian011

    Yes I play. Santana fan yes I’m to seen him play 6 times. Hope to meet him one day. Good day to you.
  • Netta

    Thank you so much, Massimo - will you be uploading any of your music here? Would love to hear some.... Love & light, Netta
  • Netta

    Forgot to mention - the bass player on Life's Lesson was a beautiful guy called Massimo - classically trained in Italy - played 5-string bass...!!
  • Nike

    Dear Massimo,
    Oh! cold-cold-cold! Just a little snow (but this could change.... tomorrow!) Almost always lots of sunshine, though
    Haven't looked at the video yet; everyone has music, videos, scads of wonderful photos; I just try to write everyone! (smile)
    Hopefully I can add the others, as well... everytime I start to, I wind up writing friends, instead!
    Ciao-ciao, and love from usa, Nike
  • Netta

    Hi Massimo,
    So glad you like the music - not distributed now except on - only put relevant subject matter up on here.
    Thank you for your kind comments - it's great to know that you appreciate the feeling,
    Love & light,
  • Lil

    Hi Massimo!

    The dogs and I are doing very well. We just found out we're moving back down to Sonoma County. It's surprising but wonderful news. There's definitely no place like home. The next two weeks will be busy with packing and cleaning but I don't mind that very much. It's lovely hearing from you!

    health & happiness
  • Marinspin

    Fantastic poem and you posted it perfectly!
  • Netta

    Ciao Massimo,
    Thank you so much - I'm so glad you like the music and voice - it's such a joy to write and perform - a passion that fires the soul - a universal language that can always be shared - this site is a real treasure trove of artistic & creative talent - I see that you may have posted some of your poetry so I shall now go and find it...!!
    Love & light,
  • Frizzey Greif

    ♥ ♥ ♥
    Thanks for the kind comment & friendship
    dear Massimo

    heartly welcome in
    Frizzey Lights World
    ♥ ♥ ♥
  • Marinspin

    Yes please do post more of your poems. I checked out your book cover last night.

    I live just north of San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge and then west a bit and close to the coast in a rural area. The property I am on backs up to National Park land. It is beautiful here and quiet too.
  • Nike

    Dear Massimo,
    Oh! Your letters are always so sweet! Yes, I agree, somehow in just a month or so (?), there are some real friends here--- I just love this---
    And I am hoping that this (Le'Internet!), will only add to the photographs, books, historians, etc., to prove all these things DID happen (there are always those, that say they didn't), and (most importantly), point us all to never let these things happen again! (sorry; long sentence! --almost never-ending-sentence?!) (smile)
    It is cold and grey here, today--- so staying in front of the fireplace! Ciao-ciao, always so good to hear from you-
  • Phillip

    Hi Massimo, Funny that you mention Gregg Rolie. He was in Albuquerque 60 miless away last week and I got to hang out with him and hear him play. I even took Michael Carrabello out to lunch. It was a fun time...phil
  • Lil

    Hi Massimo.

    I just wanted to say hello and see how you were doing. I've been busy packing and haven't been on as often as i'd like. I hope all is well!

    Light & Laughter
  • Phillip

    Check out my page I have a song on there called Durmiendo by a friend of mine.I think you will like it.
  • Zen Benefiel

    Blessings to you as well.
  • Netta

    Ciao Massimo, Life is changing again for me at moment - necessary but challenging - hopefully, I have funded the wisdom and experience to cope with it - thank you for asking - hope all is well with you? Would be very pleased to have one of my songs on your page, thank you.Have a great weekend,
    Love & light to you & yours,
  • Netta

    Massimo, can't help but notice, you have a great taste in music - all your videos are diverse but capture the best of the magic and feeling a musician can express and share - wonderful to share this joy, L&L, Netta
  • Phillip

    Hi Massimo, Thanks for the thoughts on Valentine's day. Peace and Love to you my friend.
  • Marinspin

  • Melanie Wicker

    Hi Massimo,
    Thank you for the note of welcome and good wishes.
    I'm glad to be a part of this powerful social network. I wish much love, light and peace to you and yours.
    Much love,
  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre

    Thank you for sharing your ideas! You can get this meditative state anyway, when doing the wonderful things that inspire the people. I know how it feels, too. But I meditate, when I feel the need for it. But getting this feeling to whole the life I gained more, the freedom to choose how to feel. Most wonderful moments still come from creating, so just keep doing it! I'm really happy for you. Thanks!
  • Netta

    Hi Massimo, Adapting to change at present so not being as musical as I'd like - glad you like Life's Lesson, that was recorded on a live studio session which was a bundle of fun when we hit on a groove with some different players - I see you have some fine guitars in your 'photo's - are you still playing? There is no more magical moment than that of creating - it transcends words and fills one with the best of life - especially ESPECIALLY when it is a shared experience!!!!! Love it love it love it...! Hope your life is one filled with magic, Love & Light, Netta
  • Cindy

    Ciao Massimo.x..
    Nice to meet you!
    In L♥Ve, LiGhT, InSpiRaTiOn & J♥Y!!
    Cindy x @

    Unite & Enlighten the World @
  • Nike

    Dear Massimo,
    Oh, no, no, no forget! Sorry, just been a little "under the weather" (do you say this?) On the mend!
    Thank you for thinking of me, and yes, you got me to smile! (Brava!) How are you?
    Love, Nike
  • Cindy

    Hi Massimo.x..
    Really well thankyou.x.. This is a wonderful network isn't it? So nice to make so many positive connections.x..
    Cindy x

  • Lil

    hi Massimo!
    I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I hope all is going well in Italy. Things here in California are truly fantastic for us. The family and the animals are all safe and happy.

    Love & harmony
  • Nike

    Dear Massimo,
    Just a "ciao!"
  • Nike

    Dear Massimo!
    Ah! You Italians! Your English is right-on--- and musch more charming than ours! So, no apology needed!
    Yes, I too, agree completely with that (kindness)
    Ciao-ciao! Have a good (new) week
  • Nike

    (p.s.--- see? typo--- I meant "much"----
    "much more charming!"
    sorry!) (smile)
  • Nike

    hope all's well
  • AlwaysLove4U


    A change in the weather is sufficient
    to recreate the world and ourselves

    Marcel Proust
  • Nike

    .... How are you????!!! hope all's well!
    Love & best wishes,
  • Nike

    Hello there, here! (smile)
    hope your work is going well! Just stopping by to say "ciao-ciao!"
    sending smiles!
    Love, Nike
  • Zen Benefiel

    Just stopping in to say hello. I apologize for not being more present. Hopefully things will shift shortly. Blessings...
