Hi Sandy - you know I'm a Buddhist (or that's as close to an affiliation with organized religion as I get...), don't you? I'm referring to your invitation...don't want to tread on any sensitive toes!
Went to a wonderful daylong retreat at a center just north of San Francisco with one of my six sangha sisters. She's an Irish woman, too...
I have not been here often enough and am gonna correct that now. Sandy, I have not seen you at SodaHead much. Did you quit? I am much more selective now and do not spend as much time there. It is so discouraging to not be able to reach folks. Right now, I am considering entering Americorps if I can afford to pay my bills (just a few) and do this. I would do the Peace Corps, but I can't leave my grandbabies. Peace
Hi Sandy... thanks for your message about the Burger thing.... I just saw this as well today and regret that it happened.. I banned the member... that's about the best I can do... it's hard to control this type of abuse of the community... in fact this is the first time it has happened...
welcome here - you stay in an AWESOME town!
Feb 2, 2009
Erin Michelle
Love, Erin
Feb 8, 2009
I'm off for Spanish class. Have a lovely evening!
Feb 19, 2009
Erin Michelle
I spent a dreamy Sunday imagining I was in Ireland. Thank you so much for taking me there. After all it is named Peace.
Love, Erin
Feb 22, 2009
Erin Michelle
Love, Erin
Feb 22, 2009
Went to a wonderful daylong retreat at a center just north of San Francisco with one of my six sangha sisters. She's an Irish woman, too...
How are you doing? CO treating you well?
Feb 23, 2009
Jane E. Christenson
May 12, 2009
Richard Lukens
Jun 29, 2009
Richard Lukens
Jun 29, 2009