Language does have the power to change reality. Therefore, treat your words as the mighty instruments they are - to heal, to bring into being, to remove, as if by magic, the terrible violations of childhood, to nurture, to cherish, to bless, to forgive - to create from the whole cloth of your soul, true love.
Hi Liz... thanks for joining the site and contributing by starting a group right away... I hope you get some people joining... so glad to have you here...
That qoute on the gratitude page is moving. It would be so nice if compassionm peace, and joy were just as common as say fear and anger. Please tell me more about your movement and new AOAND group. Thanks, Mike
Wow, I was in Fremont just the other day. I lived on Capital Hill for years till I could not tolerate the madness any longer. I love Seattle but don't go there much. Driving there is more than this old woman can stand. ISH
The Ancient One
Daphne Rose Kingma
Sep 26, 2009
Richard Lukens
Sep 28, 2009
nice to have you as friend
hope you enjoy the life
love and peace
Oct 5, 2009
Oct 6, 2009
Jennifer Cecere
Oct 6, 2009