Silja Saareoks-Kaldre




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  • Erin Michelle

    Hi! Silja
    let me introduce my new garden friend.

    hope your have a great weekend! love, erin
  • Tom Julian

    I am inspired now! Thank you my I have to work on my music for you!
  • Erin Michelle

    i love the rose. i have a similar type named Gene Boerner. when the blossoms get thick i like to make a heart shaped wreath or sprinkle the flowers in a heart outline for the bride and groom to stand in when they take their vows. i love working weddings! here's another view of our friend. i'm not sure what to name him. the tuxedo dragonfly was easy! sweet dreams on the other side...
    love, erin

  • Nicholas James

    And to you Silja - thank you for you for your blessing.
  • Tom Julian

    I recorded this's called Petit Etude and I hope it makes your day!
  • Nicholas James

    Take a look at - South Africa is a wonderful place to be and when your time is right you will receive the money you require to come and visit. Many blessings.
  • Tom Julian

    Glad you like it.... more to come!
  • Tom Julian

    That would be sweet of you! Maybe you can progress the previous know, the next one they won't have any clothes on, and so on....hahaha
  • Marian

    Angel Comments
    ~Magickal Graphics~

    more kitties for you Silja - hope you're having a gorgeous weekend - your roof kitties are so sweet (I was eavesdropping on Violette's page) :) x M
  • Harsha Prabhu

    Thank you for sharing too Silja. Always remember the garden's in our heart.
  • Tom Julian

    It's a beautiful picture...mostly because you're in it....but the baby is cute too!
  • Louis Magda

    Thank you, Silja, for your gracious comment. Peace and love, always. Lou.
  • Kim

    This is a real pic of Eastern OKC!!! (=
    Thanks girl!!!!!!
  • Billy Gear

    Hi Silja, (love your name)
    thank you for the contact. The picture is beautiful. However, I didn't receive any link for what it is you suggested I listen to. Perhaps being new here I just can't find it.

    you stay creative and beautiful too. Billy
  • Billy Gear

    lol...I think it was my poor translation reading. Thank you for the kind words Silja. You are too sweet. Have a beautiful day.

  • astrogoodwin

    Hi Silja,
    Thank you so much for your comments on my profile page. I do try to share my ideas with others even though I tend to not conform to any spiritual ideology. Have a good day.
  • Ron Alexander

    Thanks and you are welcome Silja, in Oneness Love, your brother, ron
  • Tom Julian

    It's very beautiful....would love to see it in person someday.
  • Travis

    Thank You For Connecting!! Have a blessed day.
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    I love your new photos! How joyful! Enjoy the chimes! Love and joy, Colleen

    Hi Silja,

    It might be that I will perform in Estonia, met a guy who runs some shows.

    LOVE, Harry
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Thank you, my Angel friend of Light! That was beautiful! I love Enya's music and her wonderful videos! I'm glad you like the know to play them you just move your mouse and the wand will appear? I'm not sure if everyone knows this! Everytime I leave the chimes on a friend's page, I play some beautiful notes and leave them floating there....a little extra gift. :) Love and joy, Colleen
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    I thought so! When I first saw the chimes on someone's page, I immediately knew what to do! So silly for me to worry about it even for a second! Thank you for that smile picture! That is what the world needs more of! Childlike joy and laughter!!! Imagination! Playfulness! Fun!
    fairies Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Richard Lukens

    How are you dear heart? I so appreciate your energy in this site... we are so lucky to have you here...

    Best always,

  • Walter Earl

    Hello...Silja...thank for your friendship..I hope to stay in touch..and u do the same...trying to get my life stay bless..u are are wonderful,..and u...are beautiful"...peace,blessing...always.....and do u have a facebook?..take care
  • Robert Standing Eagle Marshall

    Thanks Silja--Jesse Colin Young's original group was the Youngbloods. The groups I use to perform with would sing their songs from time-to-time; but, whenever I'd sing "Before You Came" there wasn't a dry eye in the house, and since our voices are almost identical it had even more impact.
  • Jentien Gerrits

    These birds what can I say there have been mayb who hit my window. Most of them if I get them in time are abck to this world free like a bird. Some times they need extra
    care. The Spirit guides are with me when this happens like with other animals and poeple. Animals are so much more acceptable to the healing, so interesting and rewarding.
    People, well they some do doubt and it is so much harder to help them. Sometimes healing even with them is instant and some well what can I say , they like to live in the dependant stage.
    with love an light, Jentien
  • Craig Davies Metteauer

    Aloha Silja,
    Mahalo for creating this space on this most promising mission site...Mahalo to Carlos also. Did you actually 'hear the music of my song or just read the lyrics posted? I don't think the music came through...I'm working on that. Thanks again, Craig
  • Ron Alexander

    Jenny Phillips - directed The Dhamma Brothers documentary and wrote Letters From the Dhamma Brothers the insightful interviews by Oprah

    Silja, I really enjoy and learn alot from your feedback. If you like the Dhamma Brothers documentary, you are going to really enjoy this interview with Oprah - especially # 2 in which she has amazing dialogue with 2 of the "convicted murderers" in the Dhamma Brothers. in loving Oneness, ron
  • Massimo

    thank you very much Silja, all the best to you
  • Steve St Clair

    You also have a great smile! And Thank you. Have a great weekend!
  • Cindy

  • Marian

    sand beach Pictures, Images and Photos
    Silja: I just checked us both out on the Members' Map and you and I are the northernmost members - that must be a synchronicity of some kind! bless you - hope you have a thrilling and spiritually fulfilling week x Marian
  • Tom Julian

    Not finished yet....maybe this week!
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Yes, Silja, isn't the dancing in that video just fabulous? I could watch it over and over again. I love the flowing, synchronized movements of choreographed dance to beautiful music! Ice dancing as well! Have a beautiful weekend, my friend! Love and joy, Colleen
    Days of the Week Comments
    ~Magickal Graphics~
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Thank you - that video is magical!
    Goddess Comments & Graphics
    ~Magickal Graphics~
  • Tom Julian

    It's beautiful....I can see your soul in these paintings. You are beautiful.
  • Tom Julian

  • Tom Julian

    since you have cats, thought you might enjoy this
  • leehoward

    thank, always leave the coolest notes

  • leehoward

    How is life where you live? I'd like to tour your part of the world...

    Have a beautiful weekend...

  • Marian

    have a wonderful weekend Silja
    gems Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Justin Williams

    Silja, I love your flower photos. You would like it here in Hawaii- lots of flowers!
  • Iolani Diva

    Very nice kitty photos
  • Iolani Diva

    I am glad we are friends
    Love & Light
  • Keith DEMIAN Farrish DIAMOND

    silja hope all is well with you ,
  • Dawn Rose

    Thank you, I appreciate you taking time to listen.
    All the best, Dawn
  • Darwin Phillips

    Thank you Silja, I haven't been here for a while, my friend Jesus brought me here some time ago, and I can never thank him enough for that, Carlos is a longstanding hero of mine and I love the site, I hope to add some more of my music and some more recent pics as well, thanks for your kindness and friendship
  • Richard Lukens

    you are so fast... I just posted that video of Carlos two minutes ago...

    lot's of love to you,

  • Dee


    Stone Jack Jones is an amazing artist. 'Smile' puts me in a dream every time I listen to it!
