Lynn Augstein


Sausalito, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Nice to see you on-line and checking it out...

  • Judianne

    love your energy picture
  • Michael Diamond

    Hi Lynn-
    Great to see you here in cyberspace - as well as in the "real" world.
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Lynn... Would love to see some more of your images here for all to enjoy... they look so dimensional and are so beautiful...
  • Linda T Kruger

    Beautiful photos that take me to another dimension.
  • Peace Portal

    Lovely graphics and pictures - very beautiful!

    May your life be filled with joy, prosperity, happiness, wisdom and Peace.
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Lynn... just showing my friend your page and photos... talking about the installation for our launch event.... like I said... I have some new ideas to discuss...
  • Beverly

    Lynn, I love the textural effects in your photographs and of course the intense light. Very beautiful. Do you have a website for your work? Welcome.

  • Dan

    Spectacular presentation. Your creativity is inspiring. It's like a dream brought to the day.
  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters

    Hi Lynn,
    I've been watching your photos over and over again. Almost everytime I'm on the AOAND-website, I visit your page, to view your photos.They are really amazing. Very colorful, energetic, mysterious and intriguing. You add something very special to your photos. Looking at your photos you inspire me to do more with my own photos. And certainly to experiment more :-)
    I love also the landscapes and photo 11, with the beautiful fungus...if I am right :-)
    Thank you so much for sharing Lynn.

    Love and warm regards,
  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters

    Wow Lynn I've just watched your "Space Between" and some of your "Borealis" clips on You Tube. FABULOUS!
  • Brad Nye

    yes, that would be nice... I'll email you this week and try to find time for a hike or something. Blessing Lynn, Brad
  • leehoward

    thanks lynn for turning me on to this site-
    hope to speak with you soon about our cybercast in west oakland, march 7th


  • Karma Moffett

    I just added pictures
    Blessings Karma
  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre

    Thank you for becoming a friend, love and harmony for the each and every moment of your life!
  • stephen miller

    wow, great shots!
  • Frizzey Greif

    ♥ ♥ ♥
    Thanks for the friendship

    heartly welcome in
    Frizzey Lights World
    ♥ ♥ ♥
  • Loylang

    Dear Lynn, I saw your great images, it's fantastic. All the best to you and much creativity in life and work

  • Dan

    Glass.. a light bender/manipulator.. Thanks Lynn, su ojos are perceptive
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Lynn,
    How are you? I just wanted to stop by and say hello.
  • Tamara


    So happy you sent us here! What an amazing collection of talent! I miss you and Pam and can't wait until next time!
  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre


  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre

    Have a miraculous day!

  • Jaiia Earthschild

    Beautiful visuals especially the prismatic ones


    Jaiia Earthschild
  • The Ancient One

    In our bodies, in this moment, there live the seed impulses of the change
    and spiritual growth we seek, and to awaken them we must bring our
    awareness into the body, into the here and now.

    - Pat Ogden
  • stephen miller

    beautiful pics!
  • leehoward

    hello, Lynn

    Good to see your work here...thankyou for all of our gifts

  • Barbara J. Baker

    Your photos are great. I have so much to learn with my new camera. Thanks you for sharing.
  • Karma Moffett

    You are beautiful
  • Thea Kynthia

    There is a sense of Eternity in your photos that beckons the Soul.
    Bravo! I am captured by the Infinite Light!
  • Lynn Augstein

    thank you dear Karma!!