And a happy new year to you too. We're taking it easy before going back to work tomorrow. Luckily for me, I'll be nursing my cold from the comfort of my home office.
Hi Wendy...& thanks for the invitation. Nice to hear from you too, & I hope all is well with you.
p.s. HUGE blizzard happening up here right now...
Hi Wendy-
Thanks for your response and comments. My studio is in San Rafael about three blocks from Whole Foods. You are welcome to stop by for a visit. You can email me at to make arrangements.
That's cool that you got to see Pete Sears - he is an awesome musician and really nice person.
Hi Wendy
Terry's gig at Paddy's Pub isn't until the 31st. I did jam with him on Jan 1st for a mutual friend's birthday party... and that was a lot of fun. I listened to the track you & he did on your page here. Enjoyed it very much. I'll tell him I've been in contact with you next time I see him. Things are going well here(other than the crappy weather) Cheers! Kevin
hey Wendy
Terry was awesome last night... we had a blast & he said to say hello to you. He is such an amazing musician. We do live in a small world eh?
God your dog is just ... well, what dogs are!
For a couple more dog photos, go to my site, and my Anubis-like spirit dog. She's part Ibizan, Egyptian breed.
You mentioned Random Acts of Kindness in your Ottawa Citizen article. Did you happen to be in Ottawa when the four young guys, called Extreme Kindness, were there a few years ago? They are pretty good friends of mine, albeit 30 years younger. My youngest son was the camera man for half the trip.
Actually, Extreme Kindness was four young guys who travelled around doing random acts of kindness. They filmed it, attempted to start a movement, and wrote a book about it. This was 6 years ago. My youngest son, Daniel, 22 now went along as the camera man.
I practice ayurveda and homeopathy. Been doing it for 14 years now. I was full time for a long time, but I've cut back over the last few years. I get a lot of really sick people and it was saddening me. I needed a break.
I was in San Rafael, by the way, last year. It is great. When I was a little kid my family moved to SF and the Bay area. We lived there six years, then moved back to Vancouver. I lived in Petaluma, among other places. But, I think San Rafael is probably the nicest place I've seen down there. There are some great restaurants, too.
There's a possibility I might be driving through, at least in the general vicinity, in the next month. We have a place in Mexico and I am searching around for an older beater SUV to take down and leave there. Not sure if it will happen yet, or not. But, if it does, I'll let you know.
I think I want an SUV, rather than a camper. But, thanks for the offer. I'm assuming it is the van in the photos on your slide show. Cute dog, by the way.
I'm assuming he (she?) is the light of your life.
Your photos have om signs and stuff like that. Do you meditate? Any guru?
I listened to your music. Very nice. Very spiritual. "I know a day is gonna come" could be sung in church. But, you don't meditate, and have no guru. So, I'm now intrigued. Where's your spirituality focussed? If you're okay talking about that sort of stuff, that is.
It's a big part of my life. Always has been. I doubt it will ever not be.
I've done the guru thing in the past. I can't say I think it is very healthy for a person. It's good to learn where you can, but I don't think my friends who stayed with the guru for a long time were helped by doing so.
ACIM has been big for me. And, I have visited Sai Baba, which was quite an experience. But, for me, like you, I look to some inner guidance, more than outer. Have you done A Course in Miracles? I am really undisciplined, but I actually went through the course one lesson at a time for a year. It is my one big act of discipline. It was good. Very life changing for me.
But, what is real is still up in the air for me. I'm slowly coming to grips that it might never be completely clear.
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
Hey thanks for the comment on the solutions page... I've been working on it for a while and we got it up and running just the other day... it needs work, but is a starting point...
The alternation of night and day is a cosmic process of which humans have been long aware and which has led to dualistic thinking: day and night, light and dark, right and wrong, pure and impure. However, during this alternation of night and day, there are two periods of transition — twilight as the day fades and night comes on, and dawn as night is replaced by the rays of the coming sun. During these periods of transition, shapes are less clear. Twilight may also resemble dawn, and it is not clear from the color of the sky if the day is fading or growing.
So too, in the study of international society and world politics, it is not always clear if we are moving toward greater night or clearer day. For our efforts to be most effective, we need to have some understanding of where we are in the cosmic process, if it is time to get more fuel for our lamps because night is coming on or if we can start putting away our lamps because day will soon be here. In this period with strong shadows and unclear shapes, we must be particularly careful in our evaluations of events and currents.
Around the world today, numerous communities face an immediate future of intense violence and social upheaval. The Congo, East Timor, Israel-Palestine, Kashmir, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Tibet are examples amongst many others. In zones of chronic tensions, politics characteristically lurch back and forth from hope to despair to hope to despair. Peace talks, road maps and new elections descend into the daily hell of missiles, armoured vehicles and suicide-martyrs — and the new maps are drawn again.
We see among the shadows a world of base calculations, of power plays, of special interests working for national advantage and overlooking global responsibilities. In the confusion of today’s economic situation when only short-term profit and consumption mattered, we see jobs lost, homes lost, medical and educational facilities cut back or closed. Through financial misdoings, avarice and corruption, we are compromising our future and that of our children. We see a world where we have reached critical limits on pollution, on fossil-fuel extraction, on endangered species, on climate change.
To meet these challenges, often the result of limited visions and short-term political calculations, we need a strong, values-based United Nations, and we need ethical and future-oriented Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
The United Nations has taken unprecedented steps to focus the world’s urgent attention on the need to protect nature and to encourage ecologically-sound development. The UN has held major environmental conferences such as those of Stockholm (1972), Rio (1992), Johannesburg (2002) and the climate conference planned for Copenhagen in December 2009.
NGOs have responded to these challenges. They work year round to reverse the deterioration of nature’s plant life, water quality, forest cover, mountain ecosystems and marine resources. They combat atmospheric pollution, desertification and chemical hazards.
NGOs are active in defending and promoting human rights, in assisting refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants, in running medical, educational and vocational-training institutions, in overcoming patriarchal obstacles to women’s empowerment, in healing children, and in giving youth a voice in determining the future. NGOs are helping people redefine themselves from victims into partners for a new world society.
Where social welfare is lacking, where social justice is lacking, there you will find NGOs ready to take a lead, to take responsibility, to take action.
There is a need for NGO leadership and cooperation, for adequate funding and the sharing of information as to new needs and new opportunities. With such leadership and cooperation, we will not mistake the dawn for the twilight.
*Rene Wadlow, Representative to the UN, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
Wendy I'm glad that you had the Experience. Turns out that one of the speakers wasn't turned on. When you come again expect twice the harmonics.
Love and blessing
just post the video to your page... I don't have a special place yet.... but I will be starting more groups and trying to bring more features to the site soon..
Dear Wendy,
here are the dreaming people - and jil writing.We love your music.You and your musicians give...we feel it and we thank you for that.If you allow we would like to give an advice that people can go to your page.
The best for you...
About "Hey!"I really liked this. It just feels good. When I was in the bay area, I used to drive on the coast a lot. I miss that, and I miss those beautiful, out of the way beaches. Thank you for posting this, Wendy!
Thanks a lot for that article. I am the founder of The Smile Revolution, which is to raise awareness to the healing power of a smile.
Blessings, a smile, a hug and a wink!
Thanks! If you want to read a great article about me, go to and go to search bar on top right and type in Princess Wow and it will take you to my article. I am a performer of my own one woman show, I entertain and enlighten kids and adults.
MY website is Enjoy/In Joy!
Wendy DeMos
Jan 3, 2009
Richard Lukens
Jan 3, 2009
Jean Yves Desjardins
And a happy new year to you too. We're taking it easy before going back to work tomorrow. Luckily for me, I'll be nursing my cold from the comfort of my home office.
Jan 4, 2009
Larry Steel
Thanks for the message and I hope all is well in your world
Jan 5, 2009
Richard Lukens
Jan 6, 2009
Kevin Davidson
p.s. HUGE blizzard happening up here right now...
Jan 7, 2009
Michael Diamond
I love the beauty of the Point Reyes area and breakfast at the Pine Cone diner.
Jan 11, 2009
Michael Diamond
Thanks for your response and comments. My studio is in San Rafael about three blocks from Whole Foods. You are welcome to stop by for a visit. You can email me at to make arrangements.
That's cool that you got to see Pete Sears - he is an awesome musician and really nice person.
Jan 12, 2009
Kevin Davidson
Terry's gig at Paddy's Pub isn't until the 31st. I did jam with him on Jan 1st for a mutual friend's birthday party... and that was a lot of fun. I listened to the track you & he did on your page here. Enjoyed it very much. I'll tell him I've been in contact with you next time I see him. Things are going well here(other than the crappy weather) Cheers! Kevin
Jan 13, 2009
carol ayers
Jan 25, 2009
Bhojendra M. Shakya
Jan 29, 2009
Kevin Davidson
Terry was awesome last night... we had a blast & he said to say hello to you. He is such an amazing musician. We do live in a small world eh?
Jan 31, 2009
Dwight Loop
For a couple more dog photos, go to my site, and my Anubis-like spirit dog. She's part Ibizan, Egyptian breed.
Feb 1, 2009
Richard Lukens
Feb 2, 2009
Myspace Graphics
Feb 14, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Here's one drop of the water filled with love.
Feb 16, 2009
Steven Cox
ps Nice painting accompanying the article.
Mar 3, 2009
Steven Cox
I practice ayurveda and homeopathy. Been doing it for 14 years now. I was full time for a long time, but I've cut back over the last few years. I get a lot of really sick people and it was saddening me. I needed a break.
I was in San Rafael, by the way, last year. It is great. When I was a little kid my family moved to SF and the Bay area. We lived there six years, then moved back to Vancouver. I lived in Petaluma, among other places. But, I think San Rafael is probably the nicest place I've seen down there. There are some great restaurants, too.
Mar 4, 2009
Steven Cox
Mar 4, 2009
LeslieAnn Butler
Mar 6, 2009
Steven Cox
I'm assuming he (she?) is the light of your life.
Your photos have om signs and stuff like that. Do you meditate? Any guru?
Mar 7, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Mar 8, 2009
Steven Cox
It's a big part of my life. Always has been. I doubt it will ever not be.
Mar 9, 2009
Steven Cox
ACIM has been big for me. And, I have visited Sai Baba, which was quite an experience. But, for me, like you, I look to some inner guidance, more than outer. Have you done A Course in Miracles? I am really undisciplined, but I actually went through the course one lesson at a time for a year. It is my one big act of discipline. It was good. Very life changing for me.
But, what is real is still up in the air for me. I'm slowly coming to grips that it might never be completely clear.
Mar 15, 2009
Thank you for sharing.
Mar 17, 2009
The Ancient One
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
—Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) American Novelist
Apr 2, 2009
Stephen Ross
May 3, 2009
Richard Lukens
May 24, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Jun 21, 2009
Rene Wadlow
Rene Wadlow*
The alternation of night and day is a cosmic process of which humans have been long aware and which has led to dualistic thinking: day and night, light and dark, right and wrong, pure and impure. However, during this alternation of night and day, there are two periods of transition — twilight as the day fades and night comes on, and dawn as night is replaced by the rays of the coming sun. During these periods of transition, shapes are less clear. Twilight may also resemble dawn, and it is not clear from the color of the sky if the day is fading or growing.
So too, in the study of international society and world politics, it is not always clear if we are moving toward greater night or clearer day. For our efforts to be most effective, we need to have some understanding of where we are in the cosmic process, if it is time to get more fuel for our lamps because night is coming on or if we can start putting away our lamps because day will soon be here. In this period with strong shadows and unclear shapes, we must be particularly careful in our evaluations of events and currents.
Around the world today, numerous communities face an immediate future of intense violence and social upheaval. The Congo, East Timor, Israel-Palestine, Kashmir, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Tibet are examples amongst many others. In zones of chronic tensions, politics characteristically lurch back and forth from hope to despair to hope to despair. Peace talks, road maps and new elections descend into the daily hell of missiles, armoured vehicles and suicide-martyrs — and the new maps are drawn again.
We see among the shadows a world of base calculations, of power plays, of special interests working for national advantage and overlooking global responsibilities. In the confusion of today’s economic situation when only short-term profit and consumption mattered, we see jobs lost, homes lost, medical and educational facilities cut back or closed. Through financial misdoings, avarice and corruption, we are compromising our future and that of our children. We see a world where we have reached critical limits on pollution, on fossil-fuel extraction, on endangered species, on climate change.
To meet these challenges, often the result of limited visions and short-term political calculations, we need a strong, values-based United Nations, and we need ethical and future-oriented Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
The United Nations has taken unprecedented steps to focus the world’s urgent attention on the need to protect nature and to encourage ecologically-sound development. The UN has held major environmental conferences such as those of Stockholm (1972), Rio (1992), Johannesburg (2002) and the climate conference planned for Copenhagen in December 2009.
NGOs have responded to these challenges. They work year round to reverse the deterioration of nature’s plant life, water quality, forest cover, mountain ecosystems and marine resources. They combat atmospheric pollution, desertification and chemical hazards.
NGOs are active in defending and promoting human rights, in assisting refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants, in running medical, educational and vocational-training institutions, in overcoming patriarchal obstacles to women’s empowerment, in healing children, and in giving youth a voice in determining the future. NGOs are helping people redefine themselves from victims into partners for a new world society.
Where social welfare is lacking, where social justice is lacking, there you will find NGOs ready to take a lead, to take responsibility, to take action.
There is a need for NGO leadership and cooperation, for adequate funding and the sharing of information as to new needs and new opportunities. With such leadership and cooperation, we will not mistake the dawn for the twilight.
*Rene Wadlow, Representative to the UN, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
Jul 21, 2009
Babs Henn
Jul 21, 2009
Karma Moffett
Love and blessing
Jul 23, 2009
Richard Lukens
Oct 4, 2009
Richard Lukens
Oct 4, 2009
The Dreaming People
here are the dreaming people - and jil writing.We love your music.You and your musicians give...we feel it and we thank you for that.If you allow we would like to give an advice that people can go to your page.
The best for you...
Jan 17, 2010
David Harpe
Feb 19, 2010
Mindy Fradkin-Mousaa
Blessings, a smile, a hug and a wink!
Mar 2, 2010
Mindy Fradkin-Mousaa
MY website is Enjoy/In Joy!
Mar 14, 2010
The Dreaming People
joni..flight.mp3 ...:-))) dp
Mar 15, 2010