Jan Jorgensen (Cercone)


Olympia, WA

United States

Profile Information:

What instrument does Carlos Santana play

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Jan... thanks for joining the site tonight... I love your page layout... you are among the group that just put us over 5,000 members today... welcome and please contribute as you can... let me know what you think...

    All the best,

  • Richard Lukens

    You know Jan... I was just saying at the office today how I wanted to reach out to you and invite you back for more discussion of what we are doing at the Craneway... do let me know if you can come down anytime in the next few weeks and have lunch or tea...

    I hope to connect again soon,

  • Richard Lukens

    I just saw your e-mail from today... we might miss each other before you leave for Thailand... but check my mail and see if there might be a short window... otherwise I sure look forward to connecting upon your return...

  • The Ancient One

    Joy Beyond You

    by Ralph Marston

    Every time you experience joy, there is one less person feeling pain. Each time you spread joy to another, the positive power of that joy begins to multiply.

    There is no limit to how far and wide the joy can spread when you send it out beyond you. There is no telling what goodness will eventually result when you choose to nurture and send forth joy from your life.

    To be truly joyful is not a self-centered pursuit. It is one of the most generous things you can do.

    For your joy is infectious. The more sincerely you love life, the better life becomes for all those who come near you.

    The joy you know will go out beyond you, out into a world where it will truly make a difference. Each moment lived in joy is a brilliance that can light the deepest darkness.

    Give your heart the experience of joy. And that joy will expand far beyond you.