David Harpe


Sacramento, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi David... thanks for joining the site today... I hope you have time to post some info and check things out...

    All the best,

  • The Dreaming People


    ...welcome,David - good to see you! :-))) dp
  • The Dreaming People

    04 On A Clear Day.mp3 ... :-))) dp
  • The Ancient One

    My Soul Counseled Me
    by Kahlil Gibran

    My soul spoke to me and counseled me to love all that others hate,
    And to befriend those whom others defame.
    My soul counseled me and revealed unto me that love dignifies not alone the one who loves, but also the beloved.
    Unto that day love was for me a thread of cobweb between two flowers, close to one another;
    But now it has become a halo with neither beginning nor end,
    Encircling all that has been, and waxing eternally to embrace all that shall be.
  • Wendy DeMos

    Hello turtle lover!
    Thank you, David, for your comment about my video "Hey"... Glad you like it.
    It was VERY fun to create!
  • Michael Diamond

    Hi David -
    Welcome to the Architects of a New Dawn site.
    Thanks for the comment. Your music sounds nice too.
    Best wishes,