Deborah J. Boyd

75, Female

Arlington, VA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Great to meet you here Deborah... thanks for jumping right in... I look forward to learning more about you and seeing if I can support your mission... it's a good one...

  • mary rose

    Andrew has been trying to help me with my mission. We met online on Plaxo if I recall.

    I am the founder of an online organization
    which is a virtual learning center and think tank, the mission of which is to bring at minimum, 1 million of the world's most creative thinkers to put their heads together and find solutions to the the "unprecedented in human recorded history" challenges the human family faces today.

    We are multi-dimensional, so the other missions we have are to unite the fragmented "Blessed Unrest" movement which ecologist/economist/author Paul Hawken, author of the book by the same name, calls the largest movement the world has ever seen, but it is also "spontaneous" -- there have been no leaders of it.

    But the reason it has largely been unnoticed is because it is so fragmented and the mainstream press has not as yet caught wind of the immensity of it.

    But thanks to this site: Architects of a New Dawn with Carlos Santana bringing attention to it, and Ric Lukens putting up this site, the movement cannot help but be noticed now.

    And Andrew has been working so hard to bring people together and get funding, etc. He should really be commended for his work.
  • mary rose

    Deborah - thank you for your offer of assistance; however, we too are architects and building our own dream of a magnificent future dawning. We see ourselves as "co-learners" who share our knowledge freely with one another, recognizing that we must be the change we wish to see in our lives. And, if we can aid any one else along the way we offer whatever we can and without expectation of immediate return -- Remember the movie "Pay it Forward" -- have found this concept pays off handsomely.

    Feel sure you are very accomplished at what you do and wish you well on your path.

    with love and appreciation

    mary rose
  • Candice Wilmore

    Do you think I've not heard this before? Believe what you wish.

  • Lilian Andree

    Hello Deborah

    thanks for inviting me here.


  • Kelly Mooney

    Hi Deborah-Thank you for the invite.
  • Trish Neal

    Thank you Debbie! I appreciate your kind words. I will add more later. I'm on the road for the rest of the week.
  • Ian Bentley

    Dearest Deborah

    You truly are one helluva energetic and inspiring lady! Thanks for inviting me here - Carlos Santana has contributed in no small way to the soundtrack of my life.

    Now, lets begin the job at hand, changing this sadly messed-up old world of ours for the better.

  • Lilian Andree

    No, jokes aside dear Deborah. I love Lions. My area is actually at the Tsavo park where the Man Eaters (The Tsavo Lions) scene took place.

    Am really looking forward to working with you.


  • Digital Publishing Entertainment

    Hello Deborah...This is Christopher "TheDigiDude" with and The FYI Global New Media Project... Thanks You For The Invite To AOAND... You are truly inspiratioinal with your energy and desire to help and create positive change and I am honored to be associated with you both as a friend and business person. I just joined AOAND and am putting together my profile which will present one of my contributions to the world... The New Media. The Global New Media Project is the New Internet Based, Global Media... For The People and By The People. It is a Rich Media Streaming E-commerce Marketplace, Business Platform, Travel, News, Communication and Entertainment Network. As a Global Business & Social Entrepreneure, I feel that the People and Businesses Globally need Access to The Media, That Time Has Come... It is now up to us!
    This Is An Awesome Network and I hope that through a truly needed coming together of all Sisters and Brothers Globally, That We The People of Planet Earth... Sisters and Brothers All... can take back our God Given Freedoms, Stop The Government's Desire To War, To Feed and Teach The World, To Bring Back Mother Earth To Her Pristine Beauty As We Are Her Care Takers. To Perpetuate Love and Mutual Respect For All... I Could Go On For Days! It Is Up To Us... We gave them our power and you can see what they have done... It is truly up to us!

    We are looking for those who want to do their own Live and On Demand Shows to our Global Audience... We have been Alexa Rated In The Top 10% Of All Websites Globally and that is just the Florida/Global site... Businesses who want to advertise their Business, Service and Products from Local to Global on our BIZ-Tube, Have Complete Control Of Your Marketing, Image & Presence... Indi Musicians, Play and Sell your music to our global audience... This Is Huge...

    I would love to communicate with All which feel they can help to take the FYI Global New Media Project To The Next Level.... Again...It Is In Our Hands!

    We are on 18 Social and Business Networks, But check us out on "YOUR Space" at as well as go to the site and check it out ... let us know what you think...

    This Is Christopher "TheDigiDude" Uhland with and The Global New Media Project... Got Questions, Suggestions, Wanna Be A Part Of the New Medi? Contact Me At:
  • mary rose

    Deborah, contrary to what you may think, my beliefs about money today come from having been homeless and learning to live with little or no money.

    I consider my time as a "homeless" person to be one of the most valuable times of my life. I discovered that while i had no money, my life was full of abundance as others shared with me whatever they had to share. For instance, a local grocery store would at certain times of the day dump wrapped food in their dumpster behind the store so those of us in need could "dumpster dive" for it. It was usually a baked chicken breast and potatoe which was so delicious - can't ever remember a time when food tasted soooo good. Sometimes a group of us would gather to make soup or a stew over a beach fire with each of us bringing whatever we could find to contribute. In order to survive, we learned to be a "cooperative society" without judgments of one another along the way.

    Needing money to make the world go round is only a state of mind. Years ago i was fortunate enough to have heard a talk that the Rev. Terry Cole Whitaker from the Church of Religious Science gave. In it she told the story of people leaving an earthquake devastated area taking with them everything they could in any manner possible except for one old man who was walking away barehanded. When asked why he was not taking anything with him, he pointed to his head and said: "I have everything i need right here". I find that so do I.

    Today, i see a society that has become addicted to money and with our addiction we have created what is fast becoming a living hell for ourselves as we have become willing to sell anything, including our soul for it, and in so doing are literally destroying our life support system. We are certainly robbing our children of their rightful inheritance -- the ability to enjoy this Earth as we have -- but there seems to be a lack of concern for future interests.

    Now, no longer homeless or penniless, i still live below the poverty level, but i can also say i honestly live in a world of abundance far from anything i ever dreamed possible. Even though my home is a small cabin in a wilderness area of Southern California, to me it is far more magnificent than if it were the finest mansion anywhere in the world due to its beautiful surroundings. But, then it is all in my perception, and that's what really counts.

    There is nothing "out there" it is all "in here".

    May i wish you well on your chosen "money" path -- serve you well and fill your needs. It is just not my path.

    with love and appreciation - mary rose
  • narciso favores escala

    Hello my friend Deborah,
    How are you today, Hope for the best with peace and joy in life. God be with you always.
    Best regards,
  • mary rose

    In response to your message, Deborah, are you aware that due to advances in technology, it now takes less than 30% of the presently available worldwide labor force to produce all of the goods and services necessary for the 6.7 billion of us on the Planet. And that as we move further into "nanotechnology," which we must do in order to conserve fast dwindling natural resources, this figure will drop down to about 3 - 4% of the presently available labor force. People formerly moved into cities to be near work, but now that work is not available to most due to changing times, the question as to how to guarantee everyone a living income becomes the question of the day. By the way, a move into nanotechnology also necessitates the end of human labor as human hands are too large to handle the parts involved in nanotechnology and bio-mimicry technology.

    So, the question becomes one of: how do we guarantee a living income for those not needed in the labor force? Do we continue the practice of genocide by war as we are doing today, or do we find a way to "pay people to stay home" and raise their own food?

    A finding made by Alvin Toffler and published in his book: "The Third Wave" reveals that when all things are considered re: costs in getting people to and from, work, shopping and schools, it would be cheaper by far to pay people to stay home. Considering the relatively small workforce needed as we move into the future, this option may indeed be the most viable one.

    Another fact of significance is that back in the mid 90's for the first time in world history, the labor force became de-liked from the stock markets as passive investment returns began to exceed those of human labor.

    At first the service sector was able to absorb those being laid off from industrial labor, but that is no longer the case. And, in many instances, corporations must resort to "off-shoring labor" in order to remain competitive in the marketplace since technological advances can undercut all but the cheapest of labor costs which are available in the developing countries. As these countries too downsize their workforces due to advances in technology, human labor is pushed to the wall.

    The only way for people to survive the crisis of advanced technology is to move out into the land and begin "relocalization" which means that these communities must find a way to provide everything they need right in their own community. This move brings with it a shift from "agriculture" to "permaculture" and a shift in the food we eat since growing large tracts of grain with which to mainly feed beef cattle is no longer feasible.

    Here in the developed world, we have become a society largely addicted to "living to eat" rather than in the practice of "eating to live". And, if we are to survive as the human family this must quickly change.

    BTW, as you so indicate, while i may be "older" i do not consider myself "old" and i am far from retired as i work anywhere from 10 - 14 hours a day, seven days a week and have done so for going on 18 years now.

    I have for close to twelve years now spent my time facilitating a private list on the Internet known as "Co-Learner's" in which a group of people gather to share and discuss knowledge relative to today's crisis. I just recently put up 15- linked websites on the Ning platform, designed as a virtual learning center with Pathways and Portals designed to facilitate the social transformation which society must undergo today if we are to survive as the human family.
    I am highly respected for my knowledge by the scientists and researchers who know me well, and who have been members of my Co-learner's list. I am looking for 1 million of the most creative people i can find to bring together on Future Dawning to solve the "unprecedented in past recorded history challenges" the human family faces today as our old and atrophied systems collapse around us, forcing us to create new ones.

    While i have no formal education, (fortunately) i have had several mentors which whom i studied privately. As well i have read thousands of books, far too many to catalog, and also read anywhere from 20 - 40 articles gathered from Internet sources each day. My main focus in reading is 1) the monetary system and its historical originations, 2) human consciousness, and 3) sustainable living.

    I am currently researching for a book: "The Sacred Quest for the Who of I Am" which is based in the biology of human consciousness, but dwelves into both cultural and social consciousness as well.

    I have been referred to as both "a genius" and "brilliant".

    One of my mentors is Dr. Vernon Woolf, Founder of the International Academy of HoloDynamics. Dr. Woolf is best known for his role in transforming the former U.S.S.R., taking that country from communism to "perestroika" over a 10-year period. The only time a country of this size has been transformed peacefully. He is a member of my "Friends" list here if you should want to consult with him as to my capabilities.

    While my income in terms of U.S. dollars falls below the poverty line here, it does exceed the $1 to $2 a day earned in developing countries; however, comparatively speaking it is probably very close in terms of what can be purchased with it. However, i much prefer to live on this income as it is adequate for my needs, and i don't risk being pressured to meet the goals of donors rather than my conduct my own agenda. The best things in life are free and cannot be purchased at any price.

    Please do not hesitate to inquire if there are any other questions you may have about me and how i choose to live.

    with love and appreciation.
  • narciso favores escala

    My dear friend, Deborah,
    Just to drop a note to heed and say hello to you. Hope you are in good health with peace. It's so hot here in Doha... there's humid in the afternoon and to work is hard with more patience as everybody goes hot tempered.
    Well life is moving on here for my kids in the Philippines..God bless you always.

    Hi Deborah! Thank you very much for your kind comment. I've born in São Paulo, Brasil and just since 2001 I have the permission to live in São José dos Campos where I can stay near of the country and nature. These horses are 10 minutes nearest of my house..and I think it is a blessing to have this contact. Great idea to create a place in this site to share these beautifull images, congratullations. See you, and some gifts for your weekend |fatima

  • Ruth

    Thank you for your friendship
    I must still find the way here
    and mine does not so feel well in English
    a lot bright, love and peace from Ruth
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Have a beautiful week, Deborah! Love and joy, Colleen
    Days of the Week Comments
    ~Magickal Graphics~
  • jb

  • Lorenzo Abbiati

    Happy birthday,
    sorry for mine some day's delay
  • mary rose

    I don't believe you quite understand what i am saying. But thank you for the comment. With love and appreciation.
  • mary rose

    Deborah, if you want to carry on this dialog, i would prefer to do it on the Transformative Media and Entertainment group where you have taken something i wrote and brought it over to my page and made it private. And, i feel dialogs like this are very valuable and should be conducted where there are many people who can also enter into them. Thank you.