
65, Female

Swansboro, NC

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Peace Portal

    May you and all of yours be blessed with happiness, prosperity, and peace.

  • Beverly

    Meta - Good morning - glad to see someone else from the south joining AofND - I wish I had more time to spend here to get to know people. Love your photographs. The art is one of my favorite things on this site. I love all the points of view and seeing other parts of the world. With our new President and his promise for more transparency in government and a uniting world view we truly can work for change.

  • Claudia van den Elsen-Westendorf Pieters

    Hi Meta,

    Welcome here at AoaND.
    Lovely photos you've added.

    Love and warm regards,
  • Beverly

    Meta - I looked through the photos so I could tell you the ones I liked the most - Our friend Claudia is amazing. Be sure to check out her photos if you haven't already. I also like Linda Kruger, Angela has some beautiful pics of the Gulf Coast, Lynn Augstein has some very spiritual pics, I really like the morning glory painting of David Nava. The list could go on, but that's a start. I like all your water photographs.
    Peace to you -
  • Gerald del Campo

    Thank you for adding me, Meta. Love your page. It is so hopeful.

    Yes, the musick is mine. I am happy that you like it.

    Love is the Law.
  • Tania Blagoeva

    Hi , dear Meta. I just enjoyed your pictures. Thank you for the pleasure. The " Snow Frog " pictures are my favorite : like a poetry, I could write a story inspired by them. Love , Light and Laugh-Tania
  • Mike Balitao

    hi meta hope all is well me chillin
  • Tania Blagoeva

    Thanks for message Meta. I feel your warmth in your words. I will spend two days in a train- I try to write our " snow frog " story. Thanks for inspiration- Love Light Laugh Tania
  • Tania Blagoeva

    Could be possible to send me the " snow frog" picture as message. i would like to print it and take it in my map on the way? LLL Tania
  • massimo

    Ciao Meta.

    Glad to be your friend.

    Love and peace to you,

  • The Ancient One

    What is divinity if it can come
    Only in silent shadows and in dreams?
    Shall she not find in comforts of the sun,
    In pungent fruit and bright, green wings, or else
    In any balm or beauty of the earth,
    Things to be cherished like the thought of heaven?
    Divinity must live within herself:
    Passions of rain, or moods in falling snow;
    Grievings in loneliness, or unsubdued
    Elations when the forest blooms; gusty
    Emotions on wet roads on autumn nights;
    All pleasures and all pains, remembering
    The bough of summer and the winter branch,
    These are the measures destined for her soul.

    - Wallace Stevens, Sunday Morning, 1915
  • Gary Thomas Sheedy

    Hi Meta
    Thanks for the invite - I can see that you are right into this site. I am a great admirer of Santana and their music, and to that extent Carlos for his music and much of his philosophy, particularly when it is in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    Have a great 2010
  • Maria A. Dieguez Extremera

    Thanks for accepting my friendship. His face through the picture is full of light.
    A hug from Southern Spain
  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre

    Thank you so much!

  • Lorenzo Abbiati

    Hi, what a greaty honour for us sharing own Carlos' friendship!
  • Lorenzo Abbiati

    Hi Meta, how are you?
    how is so radiant with love your page!
    I couldn't read your yesterday's comment on my page.
  • Lorenzo Abbiati

    I am very happy for you.
    I fell myself into a very positive wave also thanks to you all my friends here.
    congratulations for the job.
    I am seriously commited and have the strong inspiration and I am well trained to introduce massive solar energy applications worldwide but here in Italy there are too many lobbies and political disadvantage to do it. Tomorrow I am attending a manifestation in Rome. I preview that here in Italy there will be changes in the actual line-up wich arrived at such a point of dictature and corruption.
    P.S: don't worry: me too had technical problems trying to open my main page yesterday.
  • Lorenzo Abbiati

    Thank you dearest Meta for appreciating my work done for AOAND'S music showcase group.
    I can really appreciate you supporting me in my journey through music.
    I have been appreciating those music since puberty and now with more maturity on my vocals almost tried to conserve the same "innocence" i had by that time
  • missmagikal

    it is me who is Grateful Meta

  • missmagikal

  • Didier EUZET Composer

    Thanks very much for friendship... I like this opportunity to share our worlds...
    The Life of a man is made up of a series of dreams which write our history, as well as our children, who then start to write their own. I decided to continue writing mine as soon as I began to dream in early childhood. One doesn't need to stop the journey along the way.
    It is necessary to believe that the stars which light our way will never go out, and to continue to follow our dreams which inspire us in the most beautiful moments of our lives. If not, why is my star helping me to write so many fine melodies? I composed a suite for my dream, called " Melody for an Oscar", and I am convinced that one day someone will help me to reach for that Oscar in Hollywood, which I have always imagined in my dreams. No matter what, my dreams have enhanced my musical creativity, and for that I am thankful.
    Didier EUZET

  • Mark J. Herrick

    Meta ... Thank you for being my friend here on AOAND!
    I will be checking your photos out!
    Thanks for the encouragement with the Major Harmony site.
    I will be working on a storybook on harmony this summer.

    If you want to see a true miracle ...
    Go to this site ...

    and my music is also on .com

    Thanks! Make friends with Manny Perez here ... Very nice guy!
  • Meta

    PHEW~ Nine weeks till I get to experience Carlos live!!!! I can hardly stand the wait! smiles and Love and hopefully a lil more peace in everyone's lives ~ Meta
  • Chris Anderson/Onefeather

    Thanks for the friending Meta!!! Have an awesome Full Moon Weekend!!!