Vicente N. Carranza


Robstown, TX

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Vicente... thanks for taking the time to join the Architects site... I hope you like what we are doing here and can contribute in your way...

    All the best,

  • jb

    Thank "You"...



    For "Being" my Friend !
  • Chris Anderson/Onefeather

    Thanks for the Friendship add
    Holiday Blessings to you & those you hold dear.

  • jb

    hey Brother:) jus stoppin by to say "Hi"!!
  • Vicente N. Carranza

    Nam-a-stay!!! I have a comment. Maybe more of a questions. Carlos Santana started this Website. He called it 'Architects of a New Dawn'. I think it is great and I just love it. It means a lot to me because I have been a full time 24/7 activists for 40 years. With this website I believe I could meet other brother and sister that could be the architectors of a future New Dawn. But all I see and/or read is people saying how great Carlos Santana is and/or his music. I personally agree but we are in deep do-do and I believe Carlos knows how we feel about him. Lets get down to business and work toward a New Dawn. Amandla Tlamatini-vicente
  • Gigi Wilson

    Thank you for the friendvite! Peace and blessings.
  • Gigi Wilson

    I see it's your birthday today. Have a happy & fabulous birthday! One Love!
  • Vicente N. Carranza

    Thanks you all very much for all the well wishes. You all made my day.
  • NAE

  • Carrie Jackson

    Namaste from Wales, Vincente
  • Lenita

    Hi Vicente...Thank you for your friendship...Sending you love,light and blessings in abundance!

  • jb

    just saying 'hi' Brother....

    and..wishing "You" a wonderful day!