If I had my life to live over again, I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I would relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I know of a very few things I would take seriously. I would take more trips. I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets. I would do more walking and looking. I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones. You see, I am one of those people who lives prophylactically* and sensibly and sanely hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my moments; and if I had it to do over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead each day. I have been one of those people who never go anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat, aspirin and a parachute. If I had it to do over again, I would go places, do things and travel lighter than I have. If I had my life to live over, I would ride on more merry-go-rounds --- pick more daisies.
Yes I vote 101 % for your great topic... Say no to Violence against women...Naturally speaking, women should be respected and be loved.She should receives the best vow of kindness from men as she is the only treasure for man to be able to live happily in this world besides it is Gods purpose to be in union with to be one.
My dear friend, Elisabetta,
Thank you for inviting me to join the Most imperial... but i believe i am not worthy to be part of it as I am just an ordinary man and not so much in contact with the high level in society.
Knowing your best and fame is an opportunity for me to be a friend through AOAND. I really thanked God that in your high level,, you still looking on the ground and so you find me there.
Actually this is the only site that i loved to check emails as only this time that i used to open on the line.It is maybe because of my music.. honestly I am a frustrated composer./vocalist. I had no connections and money to support my works into the recording besides i don't have music education but other people who happens to listen my songs had given me a thumbs up...but i don't know what God is planning for as why He gives me a little mind to make songs since 1990 and to what purpose?
Joining AOAND seems about my job here in Doha as Architectural foreman, but to know a few is about global calls for peace , love and harmony thru music... so i try and pray thru Wings and Dreams... i could share my song and may somehow could give a little support for my kids in school in the Philippines
I am 44 years old now and 2 years separated.. I am going 4 years here in Qatar and striving for a living with a salary of US 66/dayor Qatar Riyals 2,400/month. Well sorry to say something about me..maybe it is just knowing me as i knew you through your best life and contributions in the field of so many things to mention.
God bless you always..best regards..
My Friend Elisabetta,
Maybe you could try to listen some of my original composition i have uploaded on my music box. It was not perfectly sound recorded in 1997 for demo purposes only. I just make mp3 format last week from cassette tape to mobile phone to laptop , so hope you find something..best.regards
My dear friend Elisabetta,
Thank you for your comment. It is really hard for me to say something to you all, knowing that i had no such things to say or to share but truly when i am online, all i think about is to my friends in the AOAND.
I do hope and pray that God will always be with us as friends although have no chances to meet personally but always has a time to pray together for the global peace and harmony.
Of all the friends i had at the AOAND, i consider you as a busy person but i thank you so much for sending me always a reply or comment and this is why i stay on the line.
till then and God bless you and your family.
Dear friend Elisabetta,
Thank you for a brilliant poem..I admired your works. It is indeed crafted in your inner heart for the cause of global peace.for humanity ....an opener for peace and justice to all.
Best regards and God bless you all.
Thank you for sending me the video about the Law of Attraction. I also do believe that this really works. This video shows one of the most important part of using. That means when wanting something we need to start acting as if having it already done. In a miraculous way everything starts flowing to it's part to make it become real. I'm using this to manifest the absolutely new era as the work to do. I've done it twice before and I know how it works. But it still needs to get the experience and that's what makes it so challenging. So thank you so much for the video and for your friendship also! Blessings, Silja
Elisabetta art is all around us..passion and hope and love and pain and mercy and forgiveness and past and future hopes co-existing in our present existence.
I live in the Bay area of California. I walk through life with eyes wide open and heart open to a deeper understanding. How do we balance the beauty with the suffering or the hope from the fear? I viewed the secret to the secret video but apparently I am not in the "FLOW" because I can not separate the pain that I see from the hope that I try to emit. How does one empathize and still find inner joy in a world so out of balance? Teresa
Elisabetta, thank you for sprinkling your peaceful, passionate message of hope to the world. I was spiritually moved by your gift to me this morning because my grandmother once gave me a golden rose pin almost identical to the golden rose in your message to me. I felt moved by your caring gesture. I also felt a closeness to my own grandmother who has passed on many years ago. What a wonderful world we have created here in this peace portal. Now it is my desire to replicate this love to the others in anyway I can. Teresa
Many of my friends say they awake about 3:30 AM in California...as for me I find it difficult to go to sleep. I am reading constantly online and in books. I have been wide awake. I force myself to go to sleep. I wonder why this is happening this summer since July? Teresa
Welcome Elisabetta, to Crone to the Bone and thank-you for posting that very lovely poem. FYI... this past sunday CTTB also launched a www.cronetothebone.ning.com site as an adjunct to the Crone to the Bone groups here and on TigerWoman.I invite you to take a look and join us there also if you like. Metta, Jeanne
I never saw a more fiery rose, Elisabetta! Thank you! I am so glad to have visited your page...you have alot of really interesting articles and videos! You are a beautiful woman and deep soul, and I thank you for your wisdom. You remind me of an actress I saw in a film about the Cannes Film Festival! You could have at least ten sites of your own and no one would ever be bored! Your works and achievements are astounding and blessings for all of the love and awards bestowed upon you! Oh.....that is so wonderful! I am so honored to have you as a friend. I will try to debate with MR in loving peacefulness, always for the highest good of all. Love and joy, Colleen
Hello my dear friend Elisabetta,
I am sorry for my very late reply but I was a victim of typhoon ketsan last October thus i was not able to make a message to you. well i hope I could recover what was lost from me. so sad to say but what can i do except to accept the event. God bless you my friend.
Best regards,
Take twelve whole months.
Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness,
hate, and jealousy.
Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.
Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or
thirty-one different parts,
but don't make up the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day one part of faith,
one part of patience, one part of courage,
and one part of work.
Add to each day one part of hope,
faithfulness, generosity, and kindness.
Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation,
and one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash of good spirits,
a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,
and a cupfull of good humor.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love.
Cook thouroughly over radient joy,
garnish with a smile,
and serve with quietness, unselfishness,
and cheerfulness.
You're bound to have a happy new year.
Thank you, Elisabetta. May we all be well, with peace, love, joy, health and abundance this 2010. I think it's going to be great. Love and joy, Colleen
Ciao cara Elisabetta, come stai?
Le mie parole della canzone che ho composto 10 anni or sono;
Ricominciare a vivere
provare quello che vuoi
e dove meno ti aspetti
un angelo troverai
gli unici che non ringrazierai
gli unici a cui non potrai mai dar
quello che senza saper ti dan
le trame del destino a scioglierti verrano
senza che tu te ne accorga loro ti libereranno
Gli angeli del destino guardano il tuo cammino
e fanno in modo che tu sia vicino alla tua strada fin dal mattino
I am part of the worldonenesscommunity.com and highly recommend becoming a Oneness Blessing (Deeksha) Giver, as we feel the world's biggest problem as well as the root cause of all suffering is feeling of separation! as One, ron
Hi dear
I Have not talked to you for a long time. I hope you are doing good, I am happy the publisher is changing the coner a little bit. But it will stell habe the Breaking my Silence: Do you remember me? just do the Happy dance! Jane
Richard Lukens
I so appreciate you taking the time to join with us here...
Let me know any ideas you have for what we are doing...
Jun 14, 2009
The Ancient One
If I had my life to live over again, I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I would relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I know of a very few things I would take seriously. I would take more trips. I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets. I would do more walking and looking. I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones. You see, I am one of those people who lives prophylactically* and sensibly and sanely hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I've had my moments; and if I had it to do over again, I'd have more of them. In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead each day. I have been one of those people who never go anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat, aspirin and a parachute. If I had it to do over again, I would go places, do things and travel lighter than I have. If I had my life to live over, I would ride on more merry-go-rounds --- pick more daisies.
- Brother Jeremiah
Jun 15, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Jun 15, 2009
narciso favores escala
Jun 16, 2009
narciso favores escala
Jun 16, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Jun 20, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Jun 20, 2009
narciso favores escala
Jun 26, 2009
narciso favores escala
Thank you for inviting me to join the Most imperial... but i believe i am not worthy to be part of it as I am just an ordinary man and not so much in contact with the high level in society.
Knowing your best and fame is an opportunity for me to be a friend through AOAND. I really thanked God that in your high level,, you still looking on the ground and so you find me there.
Actually this is the only site that i loved to check emails as only this time that i used to open on the line.It is maybe because of my music.. honestly I am a frustrated composer./vocalist. I had no connections and money to support my works into the recording besides i don't have music education but other people who happens to listen my songs had given me a thumbs up...but i don't know what God is planning for as why He gives me a little mind to make songs since 1990 and to what purpose?
Joining AOAND seems about my job here in Doha as Architectural foreman, but to know a few is about global calls for peace , love and harmony thru music... so i try and pray thru Wings and Dreams... i could share my song and may somehow could give a little support for my kids in school in the Philippines
I am 44 years old now and 2 years separated.. I am going 4 years here in Qatar and striving for a living with a salary of US 66/dayor Qatar Riyals 2,400/month. Well sorry to say something about me..maybe it is just knowing me as i knew you through your best life and contributions in the field of so many things to mention.
God bless you always..best regards..
Jul 1, 2009
narciso favores escala
Maybe you could try to listen some of my original composition i have uploaded on my music box. It was not perfectly sound recorded in 1997 for demo purposes only. I just make mp3 format last week from cassette tape to mobile phone to laptop , so hope you find something..best.regards
Jul 1, 2009
narciso favores escala
Thank you for your comment. It is really hard for me to say something to you all, knowing that i had no such things to say or to share but truly when i am online, all i think about is to my friends in the AOAND.
I do hope and pray that God will always be with us as friends although have no chances to meet personally but always has a time to pray together for the global peace and harmony.
Of all the friends i had at the AOAND, i consider you as a busy person but i thank you so much for sending me always a reply or comment and this is why i stay on the line.
till then and God bless you and your family.
Jul 4, 2009
narciso favores escala
Thank you for a brilliant poem..I admired your works. It is indeed crafted in your inner heart for the cause of global peace.for humanity ....an opener for peace and justice to all.
Best regards and God bless you all.
Jul 6, 2009
Dorella Rosi
sono passata solo per salutarti e abbracciarti.
Jul 23, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Thank you for sending me the video about the Law of Attraction. I also do believe that this really works. This video shows one of the most important part of using. That means when wanting something we need to start acting as if having it already done. In a miraculous way everything starts flowing to it's part to make it become real. I'm using this to manifest the absolutely new era as the work to do. I've done it twice before and I know how it works. But it still needs to get the experience and that's what makes it so challenging. So thank you so much for the video and for your friendship also! Blessings, Silja
Jul 30, 2009
Mona Karrar
Thank you so much for your friendship and comment. Great artwork!! You are so talented. Love the mural.
Wishing you a great weekend.
All the best,
Jul 30, 2009
Teresa Hernandez
Jul 31, 2009
Teresa Hernandez
I live in the Bay area of California. I walk through life with eyes wide open and heart open to a deeper understanding. How do we balance the beauty with the suffering or the hope from the fear? I viewed the secret to the secret video but apparently I am not in the "FLOW" because I can not separate the pain that I see from the hope that I try to emit. How does one empathize and still find inner joy in a world so out of balance? Teresa
Jul 31, 2009
Jose Campos
Blessed BE in Love and Light!
Aug 1, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Blessings, -Silja
Aug 1, 2009
Silja Saareoks-Kaldre
Aug 2, 2009
Teresa Hernandez
Aug 2, 2009
Teresa Hernandez
Aug 2, 2009
narciso favores escala
How are you my friend. Hope you are doing good. Take care always...more blessings to you..
Best wishes,
Aug 14, 2009
Teresa Hernandez
Aug 16, 2009
Sep 1, 2009
Colleen O'Rourke
~Magickal Graphics~
~Magickal Graphics~
Sep 1, 2009
Colleen O'Rourke
~Magickal Graphics~
Sep 1, 2009
Colleen O'Rourke
Sep 11, 2009
Colleen O'Rourke
~Magickal Graphics~
Sep 19, 2009
narciso favores escala
I am sorry for my very late reply but I was a victim of typhoon ketsan last October thus i was not able to make a message to you. well i hope I could recover what was lost from me. so sad to say but what can i do except to accept the event. God bless you my friend.
Best regards,
Nov 26, 2009
The Ancient One
Take twelve whole months.
Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness,
hate, and jealousy.
Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.
Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or
thirty-one different parts,
but don't make up the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day one part of faith,
one part of patience, one part of courage,
and one part of work.
Add to each day one part of hope,
faithfulness, generosity, and kindness.
Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation,
and one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash of good spirits,
a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,
and a cupfull of good humor.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love.
Cook thouroughly over radient joy,
garnish with a smile,
and serve with quietness, unselfishness,
and cheerfulness.
You're bound to have a happy new year.
~Author Unknown~
Jan 1, 2010
Colleen O'Rourke
Magickal Graphics
Jan 1, 2010
Colleen O'Rourke
~Magickal Graphics~
Jan 14, 2010
Lorenzo Abbiati
Jan 21, 2010
Sherri Kane
Feb 27, 2010
David Hauser
Mar 20, 2010
Heloiza Averbuck
Thank you for the birthday wishes ans sorry for the delay!
I've been away for sometime!
Light and Joy,
Mar 23, 2010
Ron Alexander
Mar 23, 2010
narciso favores escala
Mar 27, 2010
"Appreciate our beautiful comment...
& Appreciate "You"
& Thank you for your comment & subscription on YouTube
Mar 27, 2010
Heloiza Averbuck
Happy Easter!
Light and blessings,
Apr 2, 2010
Brajanne Jacobs
Apr 2, 2010
Ron Alexander
box the ocean,
while the truth is that we
are similar to magnificently complex
picture puzzles,
which when completed
illustrates the
Apr 11, 2010
Apr 30, 2010
Lorenzo Abbiati
Le mie parole della canzone che ho composto 10 anni or sono;
Ricominciare a vivere
provare quello che vuoi
e dove meno ti aspetti
un angelo troverai
gli unici che non ringrazierai
gli unici a cui non potrai mai dar
quello che senza saper ti dan
le trame del destino a scioglierti verrano
senza che tu te ne accorga loro ti libereranno
Gli angeli del destino guardano il tuo cammino
e fanno in modo che tu sia vicino alla tua strada fin dal mattino
Jul 4, 2010
Ron Alexander
Jul 12, 2010
Jane McCormick
I Have not talked to you for a long time. I hope you are doing good, I am happy the publisher is changing the coner a little bit. But it will stell habe the Breaking my Silence: Do you remember me? just do the Happy dance! Jane
Jul 20, 2010
The Dreaming People
....:-)))))))....one love dp
Aug 16, 2010