Shanti Chiappetta


Saint Albans, VT

United States

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  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Shanti.... thanks for the note.... it's hard to read the blue font on black background... but you are young and your eyes are probably a bit better than mine... anyway... thanks for the note the other day.... I know what you mean... things are good here... but there are always situations to deal with... I have a few of my own these days...

    Looks like you have met a few people here... Clint was here from day one... he is all over the site and seems like a nice guy... I talk to him sometimes... I have gotten really busy with this site and all I have going on... but I like to meet new people here... there are some really cool people that have joined... LIKE YOU.... I got a note from your mom.... she seems nice and sounded like she thought this website was pretty cool... I always like listening to your music on the page here... this is the second day I have listened to the song in the morning... put some more of your music up, so I have some variety in my mornings... ha ha.... (I have never done a ha ha before)... is it korny?

    Have a great day getting through your situations... the cool thing is... all situations change with time and your intention... so make it better if it's bad and great if it's good...


  • Richard Lukens

    I have been getting the ha ha from a few people... but I haven't learned the characters and shorthand for quick messaging... oh well... I hope you can find ways to "help the world see the way it really is" by using this website somehow... we are just starting it you know.... so there is lots of room for improvement..

  • Benoir

    gold hair, gorgeous... like your mama!

    have a great week sunshine

    New York loves y'all
  • Celeste

    Greetings dear, Hope you accept our friendship,.... Blessings to you hon HUGS
    Love and Light,
    COMMENT Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Bryan Hager

    Rawr Rawr!!!!!!
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ I hope anna's family will NOT give him any info about U!
    Plz. tell her/them Not 2 give him ur #'s or whereabouts!
    & to say 4 him NOT 2 call them ever again!
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Hey Shanti Banti!,

    Sorry ya'll couldn't get ahold of me 2day...
    I was sick Wed. & fell deeply asleep when I was supossed 2 go 2 da store w/ Wendi in da eve.
    & 2day & 2nite I've been working outside in the yard doing MAJOR yardwrk!
    & I didn't hear the phones.... & was super focused on what I was doing 2
    "Git Er Done!" ... it's 12am & I'm still out there wrking!
    I will try to get ya'll some groc. Fri. & Uncle Wayne sent some $ for Wendi
    & $20 for U 2! ~:-) I need 2 go get it... it's a Western Union $ wire thing...
    I hope the $ from Baba comes 2marro so I can give some more$ 2 Wendi...
    Did U get a Mother's Day card 4 Nana & get it into the mail?!!? & U should
    get 1 for Wendi 2 & a little gift 2! I'm going to get her a card & flowers 2 from
    Uncle Wayne, Tara & I !!
    I'm going to be away on Sat. to be in deep meditation for the Holy Buddist "Weesok" prayer day.... everything you do is magnified 100,000 times!!!! So be sure to be in a good space on Sat. & do good things etc.
    I'll be back late. So we'll get together on Sunday to do something together for Mother's Day... they can drop you off here Sun. or if you go 2 a friend's or something on Sat. for a change of scenery ... I can come get you Sunday sometime... unless you go w/ Wendi to her Mom's for the weekend...
    then we can get together Sunday eve. when ya'll get back... just let me know what ya'lls plans are together or separate for the weekend...
    P.S. I Love the Mother's Day bracelets!... I haven't taken them off since to got them 4 me! ~:) I love you! ~*~ xxoomm ~*~ Mommy
  • Lenita

    Hey Shanti....thanks for your friendship!
    Keep your light shining beautiful angel!
    Sending you love and blessings in abundance!!!

  • Walter Earl

    Hello...Shanti how are you doing I'm new here so hope to be a have a great week!
  • Clint Shepherd

    Don't forget to have some family time!!!!
    ~Clint (Shorty) Shepherd
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ I Luv U, Sweetie! ~:-)
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Hey Shanti Banti!, ~:-)

    Kalie has a AOAND home page now! She really digs this site.
    Hope ur havin fun in Fla.
    We luv U !

    xxoomm, Mommy
  • Clint Shepherd

    What is going on?
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Hey U! , Do I have the wrong hm# 4 u guys? Plz txt it 2 me so I can see what's up with ya'll.... in case it's raining again & da cellz aint a workin...
    Did ya ck out the Declan Galbraith music video yet !!?!! ... Wow!
    I Luv U ~:-)
  • Walter Earl

    Hello...everyone ..just stop by to show sum luv..and hope that u all could make my show.....have a great week!...Hello...Cris you got to come to the show...u and kelly"...have a great day!.....COMING SOON...THE WALTER EARL GROUP AT....."CODA JAZZ.. Thursday, Sep. 24, 2009
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Shanti... was this note for me? What part of Washington are you in... I used to live there.. ??

    hope you're doing ok...

  • Benoir

    Hey Shanti, I think you just had a birthday, hope it was great! I wish you and your mom and family the best, I know things have been challenging.


  • Clint Shepherd

    Hey Shanti,
    What is going on with you up in Washington? Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Hey Shanti Banti!!!,

    I haven been able to catch any wyfy in awhile! ... which cramps my style w/out a stable hm internet,cable landline!
    Did you take the beautiful rainbow & sunset pix in WA?
    I LOVE You & MISS You alot,babygirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ~*~Peace, Love, & Light, Mommy ~*~
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ WOW!! did you take em w/ ur cel camera ?
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ did u get the group BD card yet? looks like ur having rain up thar!
  • Clint Shepherd

    Hey Shanti,
    How are you liking the west coast? You have to come and see Cottage Grove! It is beautiful. Well any ways have a good time in Washington!
  • Clint Shepherd

    Well by the sounds of it you arn't enjoying washington very much. And is there anything that I can do to help with your Logging problem??
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Sat Nam Siri Wah He Guru 2 U 2! & I Miss U 2 sweetie! So, Ya gotta talk Baba & da boyz n2 Tara & I coming 4 C-mas! Humph!
    P.S. Hey U! ... ~~~~> PPPPPLLLLEEEAAAASSSEEE put thr stunningly beautiful blue hue pix I took of U back as your profile pix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Luv U! , Mommy
  • Clint Shepherd

    I like to be polite to other people, it is just who I am. But only adults not would sound wierd if i called you Ms. Chiappetta LOL :) well anyways call me when you get a chance.
  • jb


    Let's Bring The Hippie Generation back into our lives. Let's live like them. Let's breath like them. Let's Be them! - Shanti Ice- Chiappetta

    hippie Pictures, Images and Photos
  • jb

  • jb

    Thank "You:)
  • Clint Shepherd

    Ha lol....I never know when to call you because it is ether late at night or your phone is dead or you just dont pick up...but I will try and call you soon :)
  • jb

    Thank "You"...



    For "Being" my Friend !
  • Clint Shepherd

    When will you be back to washington?
  • Susan Ann Ice

    ~*~ Yo! Hey U! Ppppppppllllleeeeeaaaassssseeeee! put the blue pix back as your profile pix
    this one sux cuz u can't see ur pretty face & eyez!

    ~*~ Luv, Yo Momma!
  • Clint Shepherd

    Well send me a message when you get it back.
  • Clint Shepherd

    lol silly girl :D
  • Clint Shepherd

    Hey there, Remind me what your home phone # again PLEASE O_o I kinda lost it.....well anyway talk to ya soon.
  • Clint Shepherd

    ok thanks i will be shure to call you as soon a possible. :)
  • Clint Shepherd

    How was your Christmas? Is the new year going good for you?
  • jb

  • Clint Shepherd

    Hey there,
    How are you doing? I bet you miss tennesse (I forgot how to spell it again XD). You will go back soon enough....
  • jb

  • jb

  • Clint Shepherd

    Hello there Shanti Banti ;) how are you doing?
  • Patricia Summers

    Hello there Shanti!!

    Thank you for the invite!!! I love your eyes and from your are full of personality!!
    Thank you Shanti and Major Blessings to you!
  • Pat Maltais

    thanks Shanti...hope all is well with you...pat:)
  • Charles L. Garrison (Jahwaii)

    Aloha Shanti from Maui,

    Mahalo for your message, and many blessing to you ........Jahawaii
  • Clint Shepherd

    But if you go home then you will be so far away from me! But you do what ever you want, its up to you in the end.
  • Clint Shepherd

    That is true. How long will u be staying during the summer?
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Shanti... thanks for the note and checking in... things have been going well, but busy with projects... I moved to a new office about four months ago and started to produce concerts and events there.... it's a big pavilion on the SF Bay that can hold 6,000 people, so there is a really great space to work with for all the events I want to do in the future... found a house nearby the office which is great too... so many things have changed since we last checked in... my daughter is off school for the summer and she is hanging here, which is nice too...

    I hope to put some veggies in the garden soon... I have a great garden next to the new house....

    we started a reggae music series which you can see at that is one of the concerts projects...

    hope you are having a great summer yourself... love seeing those pictures of your eye as they come by... ;-)

    take care and let me know how you are doing this summer...

  • Clint Shepherd

    I hope that you will travel safe when you go back east!
  • Richard Lukens

    I may have sent my message twice... oh well... have a great rest of the summer...

    Travel safe,
