Steven Von Linne


San Leandro, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Steven Von Linne

    Thanks Anita for always being an inspiration!
  • Steven Von Linne

    Although a Bay Area homeboy, I have been traveling extensively in South America, and currently live in Brazil, playing music professionally and setting up a environmentally friendly construction materials company based upon the cultivation of bamboo. I'm also looking into importing bamboo textiles from China for manufacture of clothing in Brazil. I refuse to allow our sinking economy, and social/economic depression to stop or hinder the development of green resources, and I believe we are a global conciousness that needs to expand as the need arises. My advise is don't get caught up in the illusion of despair, rather, move when Spirit calls without question or remorse. That is where the magic and Miracles begin....
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Steven... thanks for joining the Architects site and getting right into it... I posted your music on our members music page... hope that's OK...

    Best to you,
