As an Advocate for Women, I am always enthralled to meet a new Woman, and certainly look forward to hearing more about the woman in YOU, your views on Women's Issues around our World 2010 and having some FUN together in this network.
Peace begins with me, with all of us. Heal yourself and the world will be healed. "...and let it (peace ) begin with me" is a verse from a well-known song - reminding us that the changes we want to see and feel in the world, must first begin within ourselves. We can change anything and everything; by creating a new reality inside our own hearts and minds.
Imagine a world where we can literally save ourselves, where we became our own knight in shining armour, riding off into the sunset. A life where our inner core is untouched by the events of our world and is fed by a source that is uniquely our own, matching every essence of ourselves perfectly. A place of infinite safety and comfort that is priceless.
Peace within ourselves is a catalyst for a more peaceful world. A state of being where another person’s views or religion is respected and allowed. Recall another song, 'If you're causing no harm then your alright with me'. The richness of life, the richness of the mind and the richness of the heart allows the whole puzzle to come together. All differing views, beliefs and different types of people coming together would create a melting pot of a peaceful humanity.
The foundation for peace in the world begins with loving ourselves a little more, becoming more compassionate with ourselves. Armoured with some intentional tools of transformation like Faith, Hope, Compassion, Loving Kindness, let's all practice rising every morning, laughing and fearlessly saying out loud 'Today I LOVE myself! I AM a child of the Universe and Peace resides in me'.
Greetings Leilani.
Welcome to Architects Of A New Dawn. I am very glad that you are here to share your teachings with us. God and Angel's blessings to you.
ohh my god!!!!! I really din't know how lucky am i....wat a beautiful response of urs...n so many gifts for me...ur u shoooo mushhhh for these feeling so much love here..........ur so cute...thank u n love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu........!!!!!!!!
A Celebration of Women
As an Advocate for Women, I am always enthralled to meet a new Woman, and certainly look forward to hearing more about the woman in YOU, your views on Women's Issues around our World 2010 and having some FUN together in this network.
Catherine Anne Clark
A Celebration of Women
Founder & CEO
Oct 2, 2010
The Ancient One
Imagine a world where we can literally save ourselves, where we became our own knight in shining armour, riding off into the sunset. A life where our inner core is untouched by the events of our world and is fed by a source that is uniquely our own, matching every essence of ourselves perfectly. A place of infinite safety and comfort that is priceless.
Peace within ourselves is a catalyst for a more peaceful world. A state of being where another person’s views or religion is respected and allowed. Recall another song, 'If you're causing no harm then your alright with me'. The richness of life, the richness of the mind and the richness of the heart allows the whole puzzle to come together. All differing views, beliefs and different types of people coming together would create a melting pot of a peaceful humanity.
The foundation for peace in the world begins with loving ourselves a little more, becoming more compassionate with ourselves. Armoured with some intentional tools of transformation like Faith, Hope, Compassion, Loving Kindness, let's all practice rising every morning, laughing and fearlessly saying out loud 'Today I LOVE myself! I AM a child of the Universe and Peace resides in me'.
- by Author Unknown
Oct 3, 2010
Angel Callings Sanctuary®
Welcome to Architects Of A New Dawn. I am very glad that you are here to share your teachings with us. God and Angel's blessings to you.
Oct 3, 2010
Anayah Joi Holily
How wonderful to see you here ... yet another way for us to connect, to share and to radiate JOY!
Love and Blessings
Oct 3, 2010
Angel Callings Sanctuary®
Oct 4, 2010
Soma Khare
Oct 13, 2010
Soma Khare
Oct 13, 2010