Angel Callings Sanctuary®

Miami, FL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Sherry Swiney

    Thanks for the add, Anayah. You have a nice AOAND website and lots of great intentions spreading throughout the Matrix. Congratulations on your quest to change the world. I believe all of us on AOAND have the intention in our hearts to change the world and to help people wake up from the current dream to develop a new dream that is compatible with worldwide peace, coupled with new paradigm thinking. It doesn't have to be the way it is now. Keep up the good work. Blessings, Sherry Swiney and The Venus Project.
  • Dennis P. Graham

    Thanks for being your beautiful self! Our paths shall meet! Dennis

    Aloha Angel Callings,

    I AM so greatful to be apart of the Angel Callings Sanctuary...a true blessing. So many people will be amazed just how many Angel's make themselves know to the people that come to be of greater service to humanity at the center...thank you!

    Together sharing a place of Unity and equal common ground for all peoples and cultures. A Unity not built on separation and blindness, but a solid foundation built on the respect for all walks of life molded byt the thirst of the people for change. In Unity...bridging the Gap for world peace and love.

    The Universal Spiritual Connection®, Live Radio Show "a great beacon of "Light and Hope," "Bridging the Gap" between all peoples and cultures around the World.

    This show is Fun and opens up a whole new world of exciting topics and "Welcomes" your Questions and Comments. The show explores a variety of subjects from the Spiritual Eastern, Western and Native American Indian beliefs to the basic concepts of Love and Success.

    Join us today as we explore such subjects as: Quantum Physics, Scientific discoveries, Health, Metaphysical concepts, Eastern and Western Wisdom's and Universal Laws with the intent to give all Listener's subjects with substance for contemplation and exploration.

    Come and join us weekly every Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm pacific @ Our SHOW CALL IN NUMBER: 347.994.3992

    Gods Love,
    Talk Radio Show Host
  • jb

    "Appreciate" You !! :)

  • Soma Khare

    how beautifully u welcumd me..thank u for the an honour to hav added u on my frnd's list...may ur day be full of light,flowers,beauty,blessings n properity...!!love,soma..!!
  • Soma Khare

    hello..thank u for the beautiful welcum from ur so happy to add u as a frnd...may ur day is full of love,happiness,light,blessings,flowers,,,,,,,,,,n prosperity....!!!!love,soma.
  • jb