Chris Anderson/Onefeather


Powers Lake, WI

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Chris... hope all is will with you and yours... thanks for joining the Architects site today... glad to have you here... post some content if you have the time... let us know what is happening in your world...

    Best wishes,

  • Raul Casillas

    Hello Chris, I am honored to be your friend, I also invite you to visit my website
    Are any or all of these paintings your own creations ? One love Vision ! Raul
  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre

  • drmike

    Hi Chris/Onefeather,

    You have great art, and I am fascinated what to hear more about the link between the Bhuddist perspective and Native American thought.

  • Ron Alexander

    I enjoy your music, images and words!

    No Pain
    No thoughts
    No words
    No things
    No attachments
    No body

    Yes Mystery
    to the Great Mystery, One Love, ron
  • jb

    Thank "You" Brother:)
  • Michael Diamond

    Thanks so much for your compliments on my "illuminated musical meditations".
    I enjoyed checking out your page with all the wonderful visionary art, stories, etc.
  • Jane E. Christenson

    Hello. I'm pleased to know another friend. Love the music. Peace
  • Michael Gllikopantis

    Thanks chris,

    many blessings to you too
  • Meta

    Thank You as well Chris! I did have a wonderful full moon weekend and I hope that You did as well .. smiles, well wishes in light and love ~
  • Steven Von Linne

    Hi Chris, Thanks for your compliment. I am currently living in Brazil.I do play music professionally, and have many recorded songs over 25 years. My styles are a wide range, and I like conscious music best, but also like blues, jazz, funk, and good old rock and roll. Here in Brazil, I do shows featuring the latter. If you want, I can send some samples by email, and you can also read and listen to more by me at All the best to you my friend!
  • Emilio J

    Thank you Chris for your inspirational words. Light, Peace and Harmony !!
  • Michele Shumay

    Hello ~ I came upon your page via Emilio J's page ...the images here are very powerful ~ is the montage/collage work your work? Whoever the artist ~ amazing....
    Thank you for posting such powerful imagery the language of the images goes straight to the heart...
    Gratitude and Good Wishes,
  • Steven Von Linne

    Ola Chris, Caught some of your astrology show, was confirming some of my own thoughts and current experiences astrological in nature. Sorry I don't often get time to sit in on all the shows I would like to. Just to say, you are appreciated for participating in making a difference, sharing some positive content in a world of conflicting views and manipulative msm sludge. Keep up the good work!!
  • Steven Von Linne

    Nice to get a cyber taste of Fall, we don't have that here in Brazil. I love the smell of fall too...