Ute Posegga-Rudel


Frankston Vic


Comment Wall:

  • The Ancient One

    Look around you. See and appreciate what a magnificent world you live in and what a tremendous opportunity you have to make a difference.

    Within you are dreams that long to be brought to life. Within you is real, substantive, unique value that deserves to be fully expressed and experienced.

    With joy in your heart and enthusiasm in your actions, get up right now and get busy living the best of those dreams. There are dozens of creative, productive, life-enhancing things you can do, so focus on the first one and get busy.

    The opportunity of your life is here. Live it with all you have.

    -- Ralph Marston
  • Angel Callings Sanctuary®

    Greetings Ute Posegga.
    Welcome and blessings from Angel Callings Sanctuary®
    It is an honor to have you join and share your love and light with us..
    Thank You.
    Please visit us at. www.angelcallings.com
  • Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Thank you for the gift of your friendship, Ute. Your art work is beautiful! Blessings of gratitude, love and joy, Colleen
    shamballah Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Richard Lukens

    Hello Ute,
    Welcome to the Architects community. I can see that you've jumped in already
    with wonderful, inspiring comments and images. Great to have you with us.
    All the best,
  • Sylvester Moono

    I would like to make friends with anybody that is interested to be friends with me.My contact phone number is : +260964655091
    I live in Kabwe,Central Province of Zambia.