G'day Anayah, How do you pronounce your name? Happy to see you here from Australia, Architects' is becoming more global by the minute!
Hope you find the site inspiring, please feel free to jump right in to share your
interests with your new community of friends.
Best to you
The best model for unconditional love is right above you in the daytime sky. The Sun shines on everyone alike, without any judgment.
Love and support are the key requisites for lasting peace. The more people embrace peace in their own lives, the more they affect the global consciousness that we all share on this planet.
Happiness is the fruit of the tree of life. It is the needle in the compass that tells you that you are on track, that you are 'on purpose' in your journey through life.
True happiness is inner joy, that deep and genuine joy which lasts forever. It comes from being in resonance with your inner purpose, with your inner self.
Your inner self is your soul, the part of you which lives forever, the part of you that is always there to help, guide and protect you.
Within this inner soul burns the flame which connects you to the entire cosmos of Creation. It is your connection to Infinite Being, to the All That Is.
In this heart of your spiritual connection lies a wonderful essence. This is the essence of spirituality and joyful living. As your conscious connection with this essence grows, so does your level of happiness.
A connected life is a purposeful and rewarding life. It is one where you apply your efforts exploring the exact situations that you came here on Earth to experience. With love and wisdom, you transform these situations into lasting success.
Through life, you experience the endless variety of Creation. Through life, you journey back to that source from which you came. Through life, you find the inner flame which is the key to eternal joy and happiness.
I am thrilled to stand firmly planted together in greater service of love for humanity. A world not built on separation and blindness, but a solid foundation built on respect for all walks of life molded by the thirst of the people for change. In Unity...bridging the Gap, for we are the voice of "WE the PEOPLE".
The Universal Spiritual Connection®, Live Radio Show "a great beacon of "Light and Hope," "Bridging the Gap" between all peoples and cultures around the World.
This show is Fun and opens up a whole new world of exciting topics and "Welcomes" your Questions and Comments. The show explores a variety of subjects from the Spiritual Eastern, Western and Native American Indian beliefs to the basic concepts of Love and Success.
Join us today as we explore such subjects as: Quantum Physics, Scientific discoveries, Health, Metaphysical concepts, Eastern and Western Wisdom's and Universal Laws with the intent to give all Listener's subjects with substance for contemplation and exploration.
Hey beautiful soul! That was great! I'm not sure if this will be on your page or inbox. Will try writing on your page again! =) TY for the beautiful picture!
Richard Lukens
Hope you find the site inspiring, please feel free to jump right in to share your
interests with your new community of friends.
Best to you
Sep 8, 2010
The Ancient One
Love and support are the key requisites for lasting peace. The more people embrace peace in their own lives, the more they affect the global consciousness that we all share on this planet.
Happiness is the fruit of the tree of life. It is the needle in the compass that tells you that you are on track, that you are 'on purpose' in your journey through life.
True happiness is inner joy, that deep and genuine joy which lasts forever. It comes from being in resonance with your inner purpose, with your inner self.
Your inner self is your soul, the part of you which lives forever, the part of you that is always there to help, guide and protect you.
Within this inner soul burns the flame which connects you to the entire cosmos of Creation. It is your connection to Infinite Being, to the All That Is.
In this heart of your spiritual connection lies a wonderful essence. This is the essence of spirituality and joyful living. As your conscious connection with this essence grows, so does your level of happiness.
A connected life is a purposeful and rewarding life. It is one where you apply your efforts exploring the exact situations that you came here on Earth to experience. With love and wisdom, you transform these situations into lasting success.
Through life, you experience the endless variety of Creation. Through life, you journey back to that source from which you came. Through life, you find the inner flame which is the key to eternal joy and happiness.
- By Owen Waters
Sep 10, 2010
Emilio J
Peace, Love and Harmony from the other side of the world....
Sep 15, 2010
I am thrilled to stand firmly planted together in greater service of love for humanity. A world not built on separation and blindness, but a solid foundation built on respect for all walks of life molded by the thirst of the people for change. In Unity...bridging the Gap, for we are the voice of "WE the PEOPLE".
The Universal Spiritual Connection®, Live Radio Show "a great beacon of "Light and Hope," "Bridging the Gap" between all peoples and cultures around the World.
This show is Fun and opens up a whole new world of exciting topics and "Welcomes" your Questions and Comments. The show explores a variety of subjects from the Spiritual Eastern, Western and Native American Indian beliefs to the basic concepts of Love and Success.
Join us today as we explore such subjects as: Quantum Physics, Scientific discoveries, Health, Metaphysical concepts, Eastern and Western Wisdom's and Universal Laws with the intent to give all Listener's subjects with substance for contemplation and exploration.
Come and join us weekly every Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm pacific @ www.blogtalkradio.com/universal-spiritual-connection Our SHOW CALL IN NUMBER: 347.994.3992
Gods Love,
Talk Radio Show Host
Oct 4, 2010
Emilio J
Hi Anayah,
I was profoundly impressed by the content of your page. Thank you so much, for letting me be a part of it !!
Regards and Much Love....
Feb 8, 2011
Dave Clarke
Feb 9, 2011
Debbie Hanson
Feb 11, 2011