Silja Saareoks-Kaldre




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  • Jane E. Christenson

    Thank you so much for the friendship and your personal welcome message. I work at being a writer/poet. Jane :o)
  • Jane E. Christenson

    I like cats. How many do you have? It looks like quite a few!
  • Chris Anderson/Onefeather

    HiYa Silja
    I just posted a blog on soulgardenTv about 11-11
    Check it out...
    Have a great day flowing with the beat :-)!
  • Amara Rose

    Thank you, dear Silja! It is always an honor and a joy to receive a comment from you, one of the most consistently bright light on here ~ not to mention your profusion of amazing photos and artwork! Sending you abundant 11:11 blessings now and always ~

    Practical Spirituality Examiner
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Your new page is beautiful, Silja! Just stopping by to say hi and wish you a beautiful day filled with Light and Love! Colleen
    Gypsy Comments & Graphics
    ~Magickal Graphics~
  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Thank you for the lovely comments, Silja! If anyone is the expert on fun and joy, it is you, my friend!
    Fairy,Art,Fantasy Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Amara Rose

    Dear Silja,

    You are absolutely correct, and crystal clear as always. I'll reprint some of your own comment on my blog post here, for others' benefit: "...We can make a shift from polarity to oneness and then we will feel the love again. Even if it is unknown or just forgotten. We already are, we just need to remember."

    Amen, Sister!

    Read Scared to Sacred: How to Fall In Love with 13 (and with yourself!).

    Blessings, All,
  • Marian

    Silja: I always think of you when I get some funny pix - mostly cats, like your wonderful balls of fluff & fur tumbling or sleeping on top of each other - but I don't have such a good archive as you!!
    anyway - hope you are enjoyuing your weekend and will enJOY this video even more - blessings from the FAR NORTH, like you@@ x M

  • Desmond Nicoli

    Thank you so much Silja. for the complement on my video. I have taken a look through all your art work. and wow it is wonderful. very good job. i reallly like the use of the colours.
  • Rab

    _________i love y____________i love yo
    ______i love you♥i l_______i love you♥i lov
    ____i love you♥i love y___i love you♥i love y
    ___i love you♥i love you♥i love you_______i lo
    __i love you♥i love you♥i love you_________i lo
    _i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i l_______i lo
    _i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love ______i
    i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥__i l
    i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i l_i
    i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i lov
    i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i lov
    _i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i l
    __i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i
    ____i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i love yo
    ______i love you♥i love you♥i love you♥i lo
    _________i love you♥i love you♥i love yo
    ____________i love you♥i love you♥i l
    ______________i love you♥i love yo
    _________________i love you♥i
    ___________________i love yo
    _____________________i love
    ______________________i love
  • Marian

    funny gif Pictures, Images and Photos
    just for you Silja - have a WARM end to the week - keep that spirit cozy!
  • narciso favores escala

    My dear friend Silja,
    Its been a long time but I had to say sorry for life is hard and unwanted due to the past typhoon here in the Philippines. Anyway, still survive with strong faith .... will i just want to say... happy holidays and a wonderful new year to come. God bless you.
  • drmike

    Happy New Year to you as well Silja. I appreciate your friendship just as much. Let's hope for better days ahead.

    Best, Mike
  • Chris Anderson/Onefeather

    I'm glad it had meaning for you Silja! Life is so profoundly beautiful when we open our eyes :-)
    Have a brilliant 2010
  • Rab

    Hugs from my heart loving you
  • drmike

    Looks a little chilly there Silja, hope you are drinking some hot tea!
  • Jesus

    Good morning my dear friend it has been awhile. Just stopping by to share my winter wonderland with you. Hope you and your family are all doing well.

  • Jesus

    Your welcome. Hope you like my friend that visits me often.

  • narciso favores escala

    Hello my Friend,
    How are you now hope you are always fine. God bless you. so long not to hear from you.. sorry for it but still i am doing well and hope we do the same this year...keeping in touch for peace and love...more blessings to come...

    Best wishes,

  • The Dreaming People

    Dear Silja!
    Here are the dreaming people - and Jil writing.We just joined your group!So - a hearty hello to you.And let`s go....for some fine music....
    one love
  • Jesus

    Just stopping by to say hi. Here is another friend that came to visit. This friend is a bit more aggressive and is much harder to capture in a photo. Hope you enjoy and hope you have a great week. Bless you.

  • Jesus


    thank you. You have always shared beautiful pictures of where you live. You are an incredibly talented artist who I am honored to call friends. I have not been out to take pictures as my father is ill and I have been helping my mother take him to the doctors and hospital for test. I am sitting here looking out of my picture window. The first photo is me and my friend on my birthday a couple of weeks ago.

    the second is a park near my house. I live very near Lake Michigan.

  • drmike

    Cool, pictures of snow. Please. :-)
  • drmike

    Happy belated Birthday Silja! Looks like a few rounds of Beatles Karaoke where had. Nope not an ounce of snow exactly where I am, but I can share how one of the local man-made nature centers appears in our middle of winter, at 65F...

    Wishing you many more days of happiness.

    Best, Mike
  • Helen

    Hello Silja
    Thank you for allowing me to join your group.
    Best wishes
  • Jesus


    just stopping by to say hi and hope all is going well with you and your family. I just got back from Vail and thought you might like these shots. Not my best work as my guess kept me to busy that it did not allow me to get serious in taking pictures. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  • narciso favores escala

    Hello my dear friend Silja,
    Thanks for the message but sorry for my late greetings on your birthday Jan 09/10. Long Live my dear friend...MABUHAY and God bless you always.
  • Tatiana & Richard Watson

    Thanks a lot for your warm welcome Silja. Let's keep in touch.
    Good thoughts!
  • Rich Salm

    Thanks Silja,
    I am looking forward to checking out the group!
  • Gigi Wilson

    Oh Silja! The pic of the Siamese was soooooo cute! It made my day. Thank you!
  • Jesus

    Just stopping in my dear friend. Hope all is well with you and your family. I was recently on vacation and took these and thought you might enjoy. Peace and blessing to you.

  • Jesus

    So tell me about the book? What are you writing?
  • Bruce Pietsch

    How do pronounce Silja?
    My daughter's name is Celia. (pronounced 'sea-lee-ya')
    Her middle name is Rose. She is Celia Rose Pietsch on Facebook.
    She is the girl of my dreams.
    Do you speak any French, Spanish, German, Russian?
    Any languages other than English and 'Estonian'?
    Thank you for bringing sunshine to my pre-dawn?
    Are you thinking of writing about a meditation experience?
  • drmike

    Hey Silja,
    Stopping by saying hi....How have you been?
  • Michele Peiffer

    Thanks Silja. I'm so thrilled to have found this site :)Your photos are lovely.
  • drmike

    Just living....

  • Erin Michelle

    Hi! Silja i'm seeing flowers everywhere! luve, e
  • The Dreaming People

  • The Dreaming People

  • Jesus

    Well I hope when it is published you will honor me with a signed copy. I know it will be a wonderful book because it is being written by a beautiful soul.

  • Jesus

    Thank you took these one is first spring flower the one in my hand is called "Isn't She Lovely" Other I bought to decorate my table for Easter. Keep me posted on the book have a happy and safe holiday.

  • Jesus

    Just stopping to say hi and hope all is well with you and your family. Hope progress on you book is excellent and again look forward to its release.

  • drmike

    Sunrise off the 101 near the CA Coast....

  • Jesus

    I hope my friend all is well. Look at what if found in my garden..beautiful life

  • Jesus

    Oh my God you are getting married? If so congratulation and God bless you my friend.

  • Tatiana & Richard Watson

    I Appreciate your welcome Silja, I haven't logged in for a while, I am studying a lot, but as soon as I finish this summer intensive semester I will get into this interesting site to share and learn. A great day!!
  • John R. Sell

    Hi, Thank you very much for your kind words. I have several more at:
  • Joule L'adara

    Stunning Images! Blessings, Joule L'adara
  • Richard Lukens

    Is that new baby yours??  Great pictures, thanks for sharing...



  • Joe Figg

    Thanks for your good wishes, Silja!

    Not on line much at the moment, so please excuse my delay in replying. 

    Sending love and best wishes

    Joe xxx