

Toronto, Ontario


Comment Wall:

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Unicorn Comments & Graphics
    Hi and welcome IamAnotherYou!  It is wonderful to see your joyful, exhuberant self here!  I see that you are already enjoying yourself.  I had not realized how long it has been since I have been here.  Thank you for inspiring me to stop in!
    Have a wonderful time!  Love and joy, Colleen
  • Christopher Stewart

    hey ! thanks for your friendship and your enthusiasm !

    sounds like you are another me indeed... ;o)

    and being greeted by ABWH performing Brother of Mine is a rare treat ! love it !

    wishing you much inspiration & good times this weekend !

    best wishes,

  • mayloveheal

    thank you for posting on my comment wall.
    last summer i was inspired to sing a kind of
    poem i wrote around 2006.
    perhaps you like it
  • mayloveheal

    i was once very interested in greening the desert activities and found a permaculture one in jordan http://permaculture.org.au/2009/12/11/greening-the-desert-ii-final/

    also what i find interesting is to see cherry trees being planted into the woods in switzerland where i live ... gives me hope for fruit forests, and i find inspiration also in this one http://www.30bananasaday.com/forum/topics/greening-the-desert-growi...

    mmmh... some weeks ago i was being very happy about actual politics, and from there on i somehow got led to write or function as a writer for a text what has got some potential, i wonder how others imagine ... the understanding movement



    no first, no last, no top, no down ... just the circle, open and  inviting, without and end and without a beginning ... flowing to grow  into ever greater harmony

  • Christopher Stewart

    hey ! thanks again for your enthusiasm ! and sorry for the belated reply... i have been way busy, mostly in the vortex...

    i too cannot comprehend the cd-in-your-player-thing... but i can't wait to see what « will be done about it » ... one thing for sure, once said CDs are available, you'll be notified... you're on our « Send CD » list... thanks for your appreciation, we like that you like our demos !

    now to address your message in my inbox...

    plenty of good times your way this week and on ! :o)


  • Christopher Stewart

    Star hero

    hey ! hope you're well !

    thanks for the music ! and the tree is awesome ! :o)

    much inspiration & elevation your way !



  • Christopher Stewart

    Agni Yoga

    thanks again for the music and the kind thoughts !

    plenty of success to you ! :o)



  • Richard Lukens

    thanks for all the great content on your page... enjoying checking it out


  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Thank you...you are so sweet!  I just found a great video to leave on your page, but I am still learning how to use my new laptop!!!  I love your page!

    Love and joy, Colleen

  • Colleen O'Rourke

  • Colleen O'Rourke