Edel O'Mahony


East Sussex

United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • The Ancient One

    Life is a journey of sacred choices, a heart centered endeavor of love in which the whispers of our spirits open our souls to greater possibilities and higher blessings. If you allow your soul to sing a lullaby of love to all humankind you will walk with the angels into a life of lush gardens and rainbow light. Life is what we make it, so let your goal be to create an existence where you soar freely into the heavens of happiness.

    Micheal Teal
  • Brent N. Hunter

    Hi Edel,

    Nice to cross paths. I hope you have an awesome Mothers' Day in however way you celebrate it.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!


  • Jesus

    Grateful for your friendship.

  • Jesus

    thank you for the friendship.

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Hi Edel,

    Thank you for your Daily Insights.  They are wonderful!  Love and joy, Colleen

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Thanks for the gift of connection, Edel.  Blessings, Colleen

  • Izabella Malenka

    Hello my dear friend...,
    ''Friendship is like the sun above thats always shining bright,
    Friendship is like a golden smile that warms the coldest night,
    Friendship is a priceless gift of faithfullness and grace,
    and nothing in this world could ever take true friendships place''
    Have a beautiful day and thank you for your friendship.
    Love, Izabella★★