Steve H


Cincinnati, OH

United States

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  • Cindy

    thanks for writing Steve...i appreciate you words of encouragement!!! sure, please feel free to continue to send's nice to have such support. love...peace in your heart while in the light....

  • Lorenzo Abbiati

    very welcome to my "activated people" group

  • Maria Esquivel de Gomez

    Hi, no problem. You can share my pics.

  • Valentina Akmaldinova

    Thank you! It makes me wonder why me...I'm so silent like water of the unknown sea. It's a pleasure. Wish you a sunny day,life full of skies and dreams-trips without any leeways on the sea surface and HAPPINESS...

  • Crystalin Ian

    Greetings Steve thank you for your friendship.  Sending much love and many blessings

  • Valentina Akmaldinova

    Thank you! It's only spring...and these flowers are like spring tenderness-always new and unpredictable.

  • Imelda Maguire

    Thank you Steve for sharing your musical heart as well as for the friendship.

    Have a wonderful evening and indeed Spring.



  • Anayah Joi Holily

    Welcome Steve! Thanks for joining me here, and for your comment on my video. I know we all make a difference in so many ways each and everyday, and I'm very grateful to you for all you do. Peace and Love, Anayah

    PS thought you would enjoy this ♥

  • Emilio J

    Hey Steve,

    Thanks for the Positive Energy....Peace, Light & Harmony to you Brother !!


  • Dawn Renee White

    Hi Steve. Wonderful page!

  • Imelda Maguire

    Hello Steve,

    You are most welcome to use any of my art pieces to accompany your healing music.  The best way to access them would be through my Picasa online account

    There are albums posted there you can peruse.  I warn you however, that the file is quite extensive as I work through organizing them for the writing publishing of my book called

    'Celebrate Life and Love'  a Retrospective.

    Let me know if that link does not work for you, if not then I will look for an invitation through Picasa.

    Flowering Almond




  • Jeanne

    Hello Steve, thanx for the friending. I love your photography... and look forward to reading your posts. Metta, Jeanne

  • Silja Saareoks-Kaldre

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for the song and for introducing me to the soundslikepeace website.  Great job!  It is really nice.  Great idea to encourage everyone to plant a tree! Now I will just have to do that!

    Love and joy, Colleen


  • Yvette Dubel

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for connecting. Would love to talk to you more about your work...and maybe share a little with you about mine.

    I'm looking for a link to your site but havent found it yet - if you can send it to me that would be great!

    Best always!

  • Yvette Dubel

    Found it!

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    I just call it a "Pink Daisey."  It might be a Marigold.  Just a beautifully enhanced shot of what Divine Light might look like from the ground.  Blessings, Colleen

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    No, but that sounds like a wonderful inspiration.  I will look into it.  Thank you, Steve.  Love and joy, Colleen

  • Imelda Maguire

    Happy Earth Day to you too Steve! Planting a tree is a wonderful idea!

    Thought you might enjoy this video...

  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Hi Steve,

    A friend in India just sent me the ebook, The Secret Life of Plants.  If you'd like, I will send it to you.

    Love and joy,



  • Colleen O'Rourke

    Lol...plants have secrets and have private lives...and yet are so intertwined with ALL.  Love and joy, Colleen

  • Cindy beautiful last night..I wanted to reach out and grab it!!! energy was high...wonderful evening of sharing reiki and ghost hunting...taking pictures of orbs...and the moon!!!

  • Carol Kate Hargett

    Thank you, Steve.  I like very much what I have just seen today for the first time and am looking forward to spending more time reading the posts and even sharing from time-to-time.  Blessings, Peace, Namaste Katy

  • Maria-luz Martin


  • Deb East

    Hi Steve, thanks for the head up on the spammer, yep its too good a place to allow a poor bored soul ruin the experience. Love your page, inspiring indeed :)

  • Imelda Maguire

    Hello Steve,

    Wonderful it is to hear your progress with your beautiful music.  You are welcome to use any of the images on Picassa Steve.  

    There is still much work to do there on organizing and adding title and size, but that will not matter for your needs, should it... you can always let me know what information you might need for your selections.

    I have been to the website to have a wee look and to read the poetry which is all brilliant and so lovely to peruse.

    Most happy I am for you my friend, your hard work surely was worth every moment of your effort.

    I would also like to thank you for feeling the art work fitting to add to 'Sounds Like Peace'.  Indeed I am greatly honored.

    ~Big Smile



  • Rupert Guenther

    Thanks Steve, appreciate your message, will check your pages out some more : )

  • Gerd Gale

    Thanks Steve...Still trying to find my feet...or loose them as the case may be...The Geese have no boundaries....

  • Gerd Gale

    Thank you for the request...:)

  • Imelda Maguire

    You are right to hold for that special energy when all is soft and peaceful, that is truly when the creative genius is at service... it is the Divine element surfaced for integrating soul and mind.

    Think Bin-aural beats... this sound is emanating from the Universe as we speak, soft, slow deep and sweet Bin-aural beats of Peace.

    You are there beautiful Steve... you are there!!!

    Thinking of you and sending you ~Big Hug of Love


    Imelda  Birth of a Star

  • Imelda Maguire

    Birth of a Star in Progress August 2012

  • Imelda Maguire

    It is coming right to your heart centre from the heart of the Milky Way... Listen to your heart beat beautiful Steve...



  • White Crow

    Thanks. That's the first message I have had here since 2010. As far as I can see, this place is dead. Does anyone post bulletins, or anything? I always seem to be the only one here whenever I sign in.

  • Imelda Maguire

    Yes indeed Steve it is a Blue Moon, I am on the easel as we speak... Brilliant is this energy tonight.

    Thank you for sharing the information on the Australian Ceremony for Whales, water, life, Peace and Earth... Saturday at 2:00 pm Ozzie time, I will connect to the grid at that time.

    Not to worry about the credits, it will all unfold as it is meant to be.

    Looking forward to hearing your new pieces and seeing the videos.  These surely are exciting times.

    Happy ~*Blue Moon*~ to you Steve

    God Bless



  • Imelda Maguire

    ~Big Hug to you <3

  • Nancy Red Star

    Documentary Bot Done Yet...Almost in Post-Production

  • Celebrate World Peace

    Thank you for welcoming here tonight ! I was invited to the group by the Founders of Peace Day TV ~ I've posted some of my photography....and look forward to discovering what is here

    Kind Regards

    Sian Lindemann

    Founder ~ Celebrate World Peace

  • Celebrate World Peace

    What happened with the quest of the man who is on the video regarding the auction which was to occur on the 25th of August ?

    Thank you

  • Imelda Maguire

    Hello Steve,

    It is truly beautiful healing sound through native peaceful rhythm.  "Gather and Heal" by Jude Smith, Janice T Sunflower, Jackie Millay, Kabir Bakie and Steven Douglas Howard is a magical contribution to "Sounds Like".  It is a great honor as well as humbling to be part of this collaboration of such fine gifted artists.


    The only concern I have is that there are not other artists with more images contributing to all the effort of your wonderful diversity.  It would also add interest for your video not to repeat the same images to avoid seeming repetitive to your viewer.  Perhaps panning from one shot into the other may enhance the 'Flow' experience of the listener by keeping the attention on the beauty of musical rhythm.

    Kudos to you Steve and the gifted musicians who have taken the time and the effort to contribute to the Healing of Earth is this grand creative way ~ Deeply honored I am.

    Should you find it difficult to find other contributors of artwork,  If you like I can put a file together there for you with your name on title to make it a bit easier to select rather than have to muddle through everything there. 



  • Kelly Hostetler

    Thanks Steve, have a good journey my friend.

  • Cat Anderson

     Thank you... love the message... I always tell myself when something negative happens to to focus on the positive side of it.  Its what helped me get thru life better and does give me inner peace.  By my focusing on the positive also lets me see the lifes gifts that are there for me :) LOVE how you worded it , Thank you so much and you have a positive day too! 

  • Reginald Todd Hewitt

    Thanks Steve, I really appreciate your fedback!

  • Kabir Bakie

    Hola mi amigo!

  • vikki lightweaver

    Thank you for the welcome.x

  • Imelda Maguire

    You are always welcome Steve to browse through the files to see if there is anything at all that might help you with your sounds for peace.  Amazing you are, I am very proud of you.

    The flute music is very healing with images of nature.  There is one called Fallen Moment that would lend itself better to the Fall Birch than the Spring Willow, unless of course your thought was to have one of each season.  Unfortunately I was not able to capture any of the winter images, they were sold over the years, or given away as gifts and not documented before hand.

    Always you are welcome to browse through or just send an email to let me know what you might be in need of and we can confer.

    A pure delight it is Steve to work with you on your project.  Great Job!!!



    how are you making out with other artist contribution of paintings... or sculpture?

  • Imelda Maguire

    Just thought you might like to have a browse through some of the images on the blog;



    What ever works for you... works for me.





  • SoulSparkle11411

    Lovely music ~Thanks for sharing Steve,  I see you live in Ohio too!

  • Miriam Jeanne Greenfield

    I'm sorry that I signed up and a lot of past have let go but to this I will from now on me delve into it..pressure to reorganize my house as a studio and art on my father to the ranking; He has Alzheimer now but traveled extensively and painted.
    I'm a photographer and have done more..also I go again painting and filming for new material.
  • A Diverse World Foundation


    Thanks a lot. . We are allowed to present our Foundation to you “A Diverse World” and our main project the Theme Park “ Tierra Peruana” Our philosophy is that of promoting the Culture, the Knowledge and the Solidarity between the children of the world. We wish it to be a reality in Lima this year, and our final target is to take it to the biggest possible countries quantity like way of social development and of comprehension of the different cultures, to do of this world a better and happier place, Please, you can visit our web

    or watch

  • Barbara Ocskai

    Hello.  I think it's a fair answer, as an advocate for peace Santana seems to come from the heart.  I didn't realize what exactly I was signing onto here.  Each time I log in, there aren't any (or only one) members active.  Can you say how well used this site is?  And to what outcome?  Thanks for any time to answer these questions.  Be well.