Sirah Vettese


Santa Monica, CA

United States

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  • hani

    I LIV NAOW IN refugee camp that took place AFTER my under occupation by the Nazi state of Israel AND ESRAIL Nazi STEEL MY HUOME AND MY LAND NIC TOO MET YOU CAN W E BEE F RIND
  • stephen miller

    "All glory to this Supreme Creative Pulsation of Consciousness which is
    the abode of flashing, unparalleled delight, whose majesty of path
    extends to far regions, from the Earth up to Siva, which is variegated
    by the display of various states of creation, maintenance, and
    withdrawal; and of whose extension this universe is just a minute
    particle." -Ksemaraja. 10th C.
  • Brent N. Hunter

    Good morning Sirah! I wanted to leave an inspiring message for you to start your day:

    Salutation to the Dawn

    Look to this day!
    For it is life, the very life of life.

    In its brief course
    Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
    The bliss of growth
    The glory of action
    The splendor of beauty
    For yesterday is but a dream
    And tomorrow only a vision
    But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
    And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

    Look well, therefore to this day!

    Such is the salutation to the dawn.

    - Kalidasa, Indian Poet