

Pasadena, CA

United States

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  • The Ancient One

    Life is a day full of song when we aspire to truth, beauty and goodness. Discover and celebrate the magnificence of your spirit and grandeur of your soul. Open the door to your destiny and let love in. We are eternal beings in a universe of consciousness and light. Claim the holy wisdom and happiness that are your birthright. Bless your voyage and set your sails for love. 



    Micheal Teal

  • Evonne Kameya


    Just wanted to say that I read some of your comments and felt the need to reach out and connect with you. I think we have a lot in common. Hope you are finding peace and love on your journey. Namaste, Evonne :)

  • Evonne Kameya

    Glad to hear from you! Thanks for the complement. Yes, they are my mandalas. :) I hope your life journey is going well. Namaste, Evonne