Mary E McCall


San Jose, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Teresa Hernandez

    Hi Mary, I am Teresa a teacher in the bay area. I am a peace activist. Join us in celebrating International Peace Day read more at
    What is your interest in the site?
  • Jeanne

    Hello Mary, Thank-you for stopping by and joining Crone to the Bone. We're happy to have you join the circle and look forward to getting to know you better. Metta, Jeanne
  • The Ancient One

    by Sara Teasdale

    PEACE flows into me
    AS the tide to the pool by the shore;
    It is mine forevermore,
    It ebbs not back like the sea.

    I am the pool of blue
    That worships the vivid sky;
    My hopes were heaven-high,
    They are all fulfilled in you.

    I am the pool of gold
    When sunset burns and dies,--
    You are my deepening skies,
    Give me your stars to hold.