Brent Willett


Berkeley, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Brent... thanks for joining the site today... hope you have time to post some content and look around to see what's happening here...


  • The Ancient One

    Humor and laughter are the simplest and most natural paths to joy and when embraced a powerful transformation takes place. With intention, this change leads to healing and freedom in unexpected ways. At our core we are infinite love. Once we shift out of every day reality to see our own magnificence and experience the joy of living in the present moment that laughter initiates, we can release the beliefs, which keep us from living spontaneously.

    Imagine for one moment, that millions of people on the planet believed laughter is the best medicine and all at once we started to laugh. Go ahead......start now...giggle, chuckle, guffaw right now. Laughter is contagious and others will catch it and begin laughing too; then another and another. Can you feel what that would be like? Can you feel the potential, the release, the love and joy that would envelope the entire planet? Anything is possible, anything.

    - by Diane English
  • Richard Lukens

    We have a very nice facility here on the Richmond waterfront.. near you... we will be doing sound and light healing work in the space... you should check it out... sounds like we have much in common... is the venue associated with our offices here...
