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Comment Wall:


    Welcome to the group
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Skye,

    Welcome to the Architects community.  Happy to have you here sharing your aloha.

    We need everyone's malama & kokua to make this site even more inspiring.

    All the best,



    Been sometime, like everyone, dealing with life, didn't mean to be away this long,

    As always sending along my very best to everyone.

    These are decisive times are they not, time to be all that we were made to be, that is strong, standing up for what deep within our hearts we know to be right.

    Alternative facts is still a lie just as what right is to wrong, when attempts are made to pull the wool over our eyes only thing it does is cause a terrible itch, adding nothing but a needless irritants.

    Let them believe what they will, and let us just keep doing what we know is the right thing to do.

    Then when they believe they have us sold, going to their banks only to find their deep in the red, the final laugh will be on them.

    Not a word need be said, actions do speak louder than words,

    surprise them with silence, leading them to believe they have put one over on us, the ones with hearts and souls that can't be bought at any price.

    Time for action, these are the most decisive times, the writing is on the wall, and it is only for the wise in heart to read and comprehend.

    Peace to all with righteous hearts.