
Rockport, TX

United States

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  • Arnold Joseph White

    Here is my 159 character Bio. from where I just joined Twitter.
    "I was born on 7-7-1948. I found a way to list ~ IN ONE SENTENCE ~ IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR the seven’s in the book of Revelation into a 77 shape. IT IS A SIGN!"
    Check out my info. here, and my websites.. Thanks.
    ~ "Love is the answer." ~ ~"God is love."~
    Arnold Joseph White ~"a white"~
  • Arnold Joseph White

    This picture was taken during Christmas of 2002. In the lower left corner is the ~“outline”~ of a ~“wing”~ which is not on the blanket. IT IS IN THE AIR ABOVE THE BLANKET! In the upper right corner there is a ~“golden cloud-like swirl”~ of ~“shapes”~ in which I see an ~“Angel”~ standing, looking down on the child. And when you turn the picture to the left, the right wing of the ~“Angel”~ becomes the outstretched head and neck of ~“a white horse”~ running at full speed. The book of ~“Revelation”~ mentions ~“these things”~! Others have ~“seen”~ ~“other things”~ in the ~“golden-swirl”~. What do ~“You”~ see?
  • Karin Piet

    Hello Everyone: I am VERY interested in joining this group because I have always believed that there is a definitive link between Music and The Soul....I love classical music, particularly Beethoven, folk music (early Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Carlos Santana (of course), classical jazz, Josh Groban (awesome singer!)....I myself am a poet and a writer but I love to sing (at least on Karoake night at Little Bar in The Miracle Mile of Los Angeles....) I am an SGI Buddhist who was raised Catholic. I was interested in World Religions * philosophy since I studied the subject in HS (in 1973!) I believe in Reincarnation and am very interested in finding out more about Lucid Dreaming and Soul Travel.....Could we have been here before?? Sincerely, Karin Piet