
Nashville, TN

United States

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  • Arnold Joseph White

    Part 3:
    to tell my story and share my beliefs about ~“these things”~. ~ So ~ I did.

    Many of you ~ if not most of you ~ will have a real problem with much ~ if not most ~ of what ~“God”~ has ~“called”~ me to ~“speak”~. But that is not my problem. My problem has been to find a believable way to tell my story as best I could. And on my birthday 07/07/06 ~“God”~ gave me very strong ~“evidence”~ that ~“He”~ has ~“called”~ me to do what I am doing through an ~“alignment”~ of the ~“seven…”~’s from the book of ~“Revelation”~. It's on pg.’s 30, 31, 40 & 41 of my ~“book”~.

    Factoring in ALL the ~“events”~ and ~“circumstances”~ that ~“led”~ to the ~“Revelation”~ this ~“alignment”~ was ~“hidden”~ in the book of ~“Revelation”~. If it is ~“statistically impossible”~ for ~“this”~ to be a random, mindless, coincidence ~ this means ~ this ~“sentence”~ is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT ~“Co”~ written ~“sentences”~ In All Of Human History! These might be ~“the last days”~ of ~“faith, hope, and love”~ ? Or ~ maybe ~ ~“the last days”~ of –“doubt, despair and fear and loathing”– ?
    ~“choose you this day (~ EVERYDAY ~) whom ye will serve;”~
    Joshua 24:15
    ~ “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~
    Mohandas Gandhi
    ~ “Love is the answer.” ~ ~“God is love.”~
    Arnold Joseph White ~“a white”~
    Call me? ~“God”~ has.
    ~ “God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” ~
    ~“these things” ~ are in the King James Bible ~“7”~ times each.
    ~“I am the Lord thy God”~ ~“love thy neighbour as thyself.”~
    ~“the end of the world”~ ~“that which is right”~
    ~“the last days”~ ~“Jesus is the”~ ~“judge not”~
    ~“false prophets”~ ~“Holy Spirit”~ ~“feel”~
    ~“forgiveness”~ ~“message”~ and
    ~“a white”~
    ~“a prophet”~ is in the King James 53 times in ~“48”~ verses.
    Is ~“7/7/48”~ my sign?
    www.MySpace.com/Love_God_Is_Love (5 min. ~“video”~.)
    www.LoveGodIsLove.org (Free copy in pdf.)
  • Arnold Joseph White

    Part 4:
    In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of
    defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility.
    I welcome it. — John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address Jan. 20, 1961

    Click one of the following boxes to select a section
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    Our goal is to expose the Problem Reaction Solution paradigm, and expose the Bilderbergs, the CFR, WHO, WTO, the PNAC, and the rest of the Globalist Fascists and their New World Order. Globalism is nothing more than a Global Feudal system, where there is no middle class, just the Elite, and us (the Human Resources).
    However, we are about to face the Greatest realization in the history of the Evolution: Consciousness and the Ethics are Infinite. Past, Present, and the Future are all Now. We are about to Leap in our Evolution, but we are in a grave danger of allowing a few Elites to gain control over us, to turn us into feudal slaves.
    Lets do the right thing, lets allow ourselves to do be all that we can be, by exposing the evil, spreading the truth, so that we can take the Humanity, and not just the ruling elite, to the next level.
    Call me? ~"God"~ has! 615-220-1599
  • ann


    I am trying to get in touch with my old friend from FL. Victoria Regina. If you know how to reach her please tell her that her horseback riding companion who rode Dynomite is looking for her. Tell her to look up Ann in  Dothan, AL at the member site "Crone to the Bone" here at arch of  a new dawn... Thanks and God bless.