Chun Yu

58, Female

San Francisco, CA

United States

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    Hope everything is cool in your world! Keep the light lit, and just keep on keepin on! Peace and much LOVE always. Tommy
  • mermaid sutra

    hi Chun,
    thank you so much for accepting my request here,
    nice to connect with you,
    and no hurry, just write me when you can,
    my friend in japan is busy with his exhibition anyway :)

  • The Ancient One

    Life Is Filled With Possibilities
    by: Larry S. Chengges

    life is filled with possibilities
    that challenge us each day
    to take a chance, try something new,
    see things a different way.
    And it's through these special moments
    that we learn to change and grow,
    to explore the precious gift
    to who we are and what we know.
    Unless you take a chance or two,
    in order to begin...
    there's nothing we can hope to gain,
    no prize that we can win.
    For it's not until we try
    that we find out
    what we can do...
    so don't wait until tomorrow
    to discover something new!