


New Zealand

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  • The Ancient One

    You are a gift to yourself. A treasure to be honored and respected. Befriend, nurture and nourish your inner child for you are unique and your destiny is written in the stars. Know that the Great Spirit walks with you always and that the enlightenment within you is waiting to emerge and ascend to the heavens. The light of the universe shines upon you so celebrate the gift that you are!



    Micheal Teal

  • Ron Alexander

    Thanks for becoming my friend/Sister, Warrioress!

    If you look at every human as a Divine Mirror,

    you will know yourself and understand life. Sherif Baba


  • James Victor

    greetings warrrioress. look's like we are both new here. your profile picture is next to mine on the members list on my page. looks like we're neighbors as well. ;-----) looking to make some friends and believing in syncronicity , thought i would ask. spent 7 months in NZ in the 70's and would still be there if my visa could have been extended. you live in e a very, very, special place.

    let's help usher in the new world!!!

