suzanne caissy


Trois-Rivieres, Quebec


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What instrument does Carlos Santana play

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  • Babs Henn

    Dear Suzan, thanks for being friends. Don't hesitate to explain your soul and your ideas in French! Regardless of different languages, we share a kind of Esperanto from the bottom of our hearts ;-) And with the help of you can translate almost anything! Toutes sortes de bonnes choses pour toi, cordialement Babs

  • Stuart Thomas

    Thank you, Suzanne, for becoming my friend.

    Sincerely, Stuart
  • Chris Anderson/Onefeather

    Nous sommes des enfants de l'aube,
    tellement plus ancienne que le soleil.

    The language of the heart & soul is Universal...

    Greetings! Thank you for your friendship. Lovely kites :-)