Hi Carlo... you left me a message on your page... I just dropped by and saw it... you have to go to my personal page to leave me a message... but as the fates would have it... I'm here now...
I just stopped by to thank you for taking the time to be here and start to check out the people and groups... I look forward to seeing where it takes us...
You saw a logo for my little company www.unitedearth.net... I am actually working on a new ning site for my company... adding to it now...
yes, Venice is a great base, and to be able to live where I can walk and bicycle as much as I can, and actually be in a neighborhood where I run into people I know on a regular basis - invite you to my personal website and on-line photo gallery of my communion with the Ocean along Santa Monica Bay - http://www.frankieleeslater.com what we're up to with Circles Uniting: http://www.youtube.com/user/bohemianexperience#p/u/10/BJGzAKUTwD8 and being artists of life: http://www.artofliving.com - congratulations on getting your second book to fruition, I'm in the process, and mostly loving it, in deed loving it more and more - blessings, Frankie Lee
Richard Lukens
I just stopped by to thank you for taking the time to be here and start to check out the people and groups... I look forward to seeing where it takes us...
You saw a logo for my little company www.unitedearth.net... I am actually working on a new ning site for my company... adding to it now...
Hope to hear from you soon,
Sep 18, 2009
Frankie Lee Slater
Jul 29, 2010
bob banner
wow so sorry it took so long.. I rarely look at this page...
Feb 15, 2014