My visit to your page was somewhat fascinating, as I've been very concerned about a spasm/cramp I caught last Friday (in my fingering hand) whilst doing a gig. Although I would tend to find the culprit in my momentary dehydration and subsequent ingestion of too much sugar (via this hyper-sweet tea that we drank, prior to playing the second set), I am in the process of investigating dystonia, the condition of which you spoke above.
Peace Portal
Jan 21, 2009
Tony Bunn
My visit to your page was somewhat fascinating, as I've been very concerned about a spasm/cramp I caught last Friday (in my fingering hand) whilst doing a gig. Although I would tend to find the culprit in my momentary dehydration and subsequent ingestion of too much sugar (via this hyper-sweet tea that we drank, prior to playing the second set), I am in the process of investigating dystonia, the condition of which you spoke above.
Hmmmmmm. You've made for an interesting night...
Peace & Strength,
Tony B.
Apr 28, 2009