Blanche Toney


Ellenwood, GA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Lorenzo Abbiati

    thank you Blanche for having thre courage to join my group.

    you are the very first one. you're very welcome..........and special presence for me

  • The Ancient One

    Be a touch of inspiration to all you come in contact with. Transform your world by creating a vision where you breathe in peace and radiate love. Dance joyously and freely as you elevate the soul, for the essence of your being is miraculous and majestic. Nurture your spiritual self for your path is written in the stars and your destiny is one of glory, harmony and love. Live the beauty of who you are!
    Micheal Teal
  • Richard Lukens

    Hi Blanche,

    Welcome to Architects, I see you've been busy already.  Great to have you with us--check out green & gardening blogs.  Happy to have you add more--the pictures are super,inspires one to get the gardens going!

    All the best,
