jaguar kukulcan



New Zealand

Comment Wall:

  • The Ancient One

    I Know Something Good About You

    Wouldn't this old world be better
    If the folks we meet would say --
    "I know something good about you!"
    And treat us just that way?

    Wouldn't it be fine and dandy
    If each handclasp, fond and true,
    Carried with it this assurance --
    "I know something good about you!"

    Wouldn't life be lots more happy
    If the good that's in us all
    Were the only things about us
    That folks bothered to recall?

    Wouldn't life be lots more happy
    If we praised the good we see?
    For there's such a lot of goodness
    In the worst of you and me!

    Wouldn't it be nice to practice
    That fine way of thinking, too?
    You know something good about me;
    I know something good about you.

    ~ Author Unknown
  • Rickbischoff

    namaste Jaguar

    THNX! for connecting, GRT! smile...