Stevanne Auerbach, PhD


San Francisco, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Richard Lukens

    Welcome to the Architects site Stevanne... glad you found us... I hope you have a bit of time to look around and tell us something about yourself... all ideas are welcome as we grow this global network...

  • The Ancient One

    Learn to love

    Learn to love the challenges, and you will grow stronger. Learn to love putting forth effort, and you'll find yourself becoming more capable and effective.
    Learn to love making a positive contribution, and your life will grow richer. Learn to love being around people who are different than you, and you'll gain many valuable new perspectives.

    Learn to love discovering what you do not know, and your knowledge will greatly expand. Learn to love truly listening, and your wisdom will increase.

    Learn to love giving, and your life will be blessed. Learn to love being thankful, and you'll know real abundance.

    Learn to love the ordinary moments, and you'll find each day filled with warm golden treasures. Learn to love simply being, and you'll rise to a whole new level of awareness.

    Learn to love something about each day, and your days will bring rich fulfillment. Learn to love, and you'll know how to live.

    -- Ralph Marston
  • Richard Lukens

    when you say off line, do you mean our space in Richmond, the NeXus??


    hope all is well and we can connect soon... I have a new project to let you know about   you can't see it with internet explorer, you need firefox or safari...


    all the best,
